
I think that’s the Riddler’s mom.

Even though I’d seen that suit called the Iron Spider in promotional stuff, I was still surprised and delighted when the legs popped out.

The only way she stays dead in A4 is if GOTG3 is “The Search for Gamora” or something like that.

For what it’s worth, Winter Soldier standing next to the cartoon raccoon leads to one of the film’s funnier jokes.

I don’t mean to tell the editors of the esteemed New York Times, the second-best newspaper after the Washington Post, how do do their jobs, but “Weird” or “Weird Al” should probably be in quotes.

It’s only a peak once he starts going down. Hasn’t happened yet.


Mauvewashing is the worst -washing of all.

I guess they dropped Devin: Potential School Shooter as a character angle and replaced it with Devin: Secret Bisexual Lothario. Good call.

Wet sugar mess.

On the other hand, I feel like one of them could bait him into that third strike.

My favorite thing to think about after watching this episode is the hundreds of loops Zari spent diligently practicing the violin.

I’m a member of the much smaller “Oregon Trail 2 Generation.” Our hunting was in first person and we frequently died of alkali poisoning!

Ugh. Don’t give them any CGIdeas.

I love that people haven’t forgiven Chipotle. It makes the lines super short, and your risk of getting food poisoning is only slightly higher than at any other restaurant.

To be fair, Iris West is a journalist when the show bothers to remember that, I’m not surprised she’d be stickler for words.

That’s why I’ve been wanting an old woman Max(ine) Mercury since season one.

There’s no deal without Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell on board. Just because the President repeated what some Democrats said doesn’t mean a deal was coming out of that meeting.

I mean, he was a very very bad singer, but you’re right that improv is the more valuable skill for the podcast. I hope every time a person invited protests that they can’t sing, Zach and Jess just send them Gabrus’s episode in response.

Wait, but in Detective Comics a few weeks ago, this Future Tim says that Damian deserves to die “for what he did to that Kent boy” in the future. So now he’s pro-eliminating Jon Kent? Or did Damian do it in a particularly gross way?