
I get that feeling. The flip side of the coin is that if all schooling was public and was funded properly, there wouldn’t be such a huge disparity between education quality. Siphoning people (and thus, funding) out of the public system only serves to further degrade it. The government should not be undermining its own

If only....Alex Trebek is Canadian, isn’t he?

I am dumb and thought it was all real.

I used to read Deadline at least a couple times a day until Nikki left.

I’m in the mood for destractions from Emperor Tangerine, so...bring it!
This is going to be delicious.

I haven’t been on Deadline in so long. It’s so stale. It may be too late for both the site and Nikke. We’ll see what she brings.

there’s no one at the wheel? is this meant to be a metaphor for her life right now?

To be fair, if I had a full-time personal assistant, first thing on my list would be to make sure I was fed and always with coffee in hand.

As sometimes guests, they weren’t bad. Dr. Phil’s folksy, “are you fucking kidding me” approach spared Oprah from going hoarse on those eps. Dr. Oz didn’t get where he was back then by being a hack.

First things first, I love those glasses. Those are some cool glasses. Second, I miss Oprah’s show. Yes, the make over shows and celebrity interviews were fun but then she would do a hard hitting interview with some global figure or some deep report about behind the scenes in a war torn nation that would have me glued

I think this is great news. Oprah is good at finding the humanity in people and stories. I think she’ll do really well.

Hell, I’m a PA for 3 cats, and I currently do all that shit for FREE. For 70K? Hang on, Rob, I’m coming!

I can appreciate an anti-monarchy political perspective. But to interpret this biographical examination of the early reign of Queen Elizabeth II and her relationship to principal political figures of her day as rich people “bitching about how hard they have it” is a perspective so puerile and asinine, you don’t

I found the way that it was derivative to be incredibly distracting. Oh, that’s the shot from Back to the Future of the family at the table and so on endlessly. I would have preferred if the show was just set in the 1980's, it’s just tired easter eggs taken to a ridiculous level.

Thank you. I somewhat enjoyed Stranger Things, but I thought it was wildly overrated. Those other shows, on the other hand, are nothing short of amazing.

This is pretty much my face after a bottle (or two) of wine. Thanks to that little Stranger Things angel, hearing loss will be my new excuse when my kids are older and ask why my face looks weird.

+ 1 million stars for the Hitchiker’s references.

I feel massively sorry for him. No matter what he does in his life, he will never, ever be appreciated and loved as a monarch, which is the point of his entire existence.

And yet I’m not sure that we should be asking if Mariah is “real” or if her show represents “reality.”

Rich, stop asking reflexive questions.