I don’t disagree that we’re not above intolerance, but I’ll counterpoint it for a balanced perspective at least: We kicked that stupid PQ charter to the curb! So much so, the PQ is all but dead!
I don’t disagree that we’re not above intolerance, but I’ll counterpoint it for a balanced perspective at least: We kicked that stupid PQ charter to the curb! So much so, the PQ is all but dead!
Reports indicate that tonight’s shooting will be treated as an act of terrorism.
Why, WHY must the pale girls wear the pale dresses? It washes them out! So many pale dresses here that would look a million times better in one or maybe two shades darker.
This is positively the ugliest red carpet ever. Everyone is underwhelming. Titus is a lone star here.
Why do most of these dresses suck so badly tonight? Come on, SAGs, do better.
Oops, was supposed to go in the first post.
I need to see more looks, I hate everything here.
Uh, “any part of the U.S. can secede”? Where did you learn your history? No, it can’t. The U.S. Constitution is a binding contract — there is no “unless I end up not liking it” clause. That was the whole point of the U.S. Civil War — it was a contract-enforcement action: the war of the Declaration of Independence…
I forgot she was in that! I love The Burbs. Best Tom Hanks comedy.
Holy shit great catch. I love this movie.
“Being liked is like being beautiful—if you have to tell people you are, you’re not.”
I have seen it, and absolutely loathed it. I hadn’t read any criticism of it before I saw it, either. Went in blind, came out wondering what the hell the big deal was.
On the other hand, I found it wan and disappointing because I love old school musicals. After it ended, we went straight home and watched Singing in the Rain as a palate cleanser.
I didn’t think she was bad, I just didn’t really think much of it at all. But really, not a lot of these noms make sense to me so w/e.
La La Land just encompasses the overwhelming mediocrity we’ve been mired in lately, doesn’t it?
Agreed, it was just an easy joke. Although for years, particularly in 2008 their bid language was frosty.
I believe the whole White House petition thing was an Obama creation, so don’t expect that to continue.