She has been Hillary Clinton much longer than she was Hillary Rodham. In the end, both last names are reflective of our patriarchal society so no difference.
I really think it was a lot of things. The fact we’ve been conditioned to think of elections as a joke, so we vote on who we’d like to have a beer with or keeps it real or just jazzes up our lizard brains in general, was one factor I don’t think gets enough attention. This is going to be an extremely hard lesson to…
I know this is off topic but could Ted be a bigger douchebag? Using his wife as a breeder only because Robin didn’t want to be. Then to have the gall to tell his kids that he was just using their mom as a placeholder until he could get with his real love and they were totally cool with that jaw dropping level of…
“...the best case ontario...”
Because you’re asking a very different thing when you say ‘give up your bonus.’ That’s a zero sum game: in order for you to get ahead, someone else has to lose.
This is the essential problem with hero worship. Instead of alternately lauding and vilifying people, we can just commend or denounce their actions. If there are no heroes, and only heroic ACTIONS, this would all be a lot easier. McCain, at one point in his life, did some very selfless and honorable things. Then, at a…
Or go to your local library. Then at least they can increase their circulation count for when they need to prove that people actually use libraries (come budget time). If someone must benefit from this...
I’m eager to read this book, but will wait for it at the library or find a used copy. Megyn Kelly’s not getting a dime from me.
Who TF is saying that we should castrate men? Why is it so hard for these fucking douchenozzles to understand that we wanted to be treated equally and fairly? Good god people are so fucking stupid. I hope we drown in bottles of Coke and Cheeto bits.
This happens all the fucking time, what is her damage?
There are literally millions of those people around her and she’s oblivious.
Actually, many of us have been ranting for over a week now that white women failed their Sisters of Color and yes, Megyn Kelly is actually FAR MORE DANGEROUS as a tool of the patriarchy than any man. She is the Aryan looking shield they hide behind, she is the nazi embodiment they can hold up and say “see women are…
I love how her brand of feminism highlights the things we can all agree on as women—empowerment, advancement, equality, sisterhood—and steers clear of the more divisive issues.
that assumes that to empower women, we must castrate men.
So, forgive me if I’m being mean here, does this just prove that she’s a snake? Withholding information to better the sales of her book that would have completely blown open the election is a pretty dick move. I’m not implying that going on national TV and saying that Trump was bribing people in the media would have…
“Sanity is a valuable possession; I hoard it the way people once hoarded money. I save it, so I will have enough, when the time comes.”
I watched the election night coverage on the CBC. Around 11 pm or so, when it had become clear Trump was going to win, one of the panelists sighed and said, “Well... you know, America did have a pretty good run.” The rest of the panelists sat quietly, and somberly nodded. Know the rest of the world take no joy in…
Winter is here. And this keeps coming to mind: