
I understood her point. I reject it. Exposing racism in elected and appointed public officials, especially in the aftermath of an election where white racism, or at least white privilege, swept a bigot into the highest office in the land, has value. We don’t improve public understanding of institutional racism by

I’ve lurked for six years and I had to make an account to comment on this (hello wonderful ladies and gentleman who have taught me so much).

This is who Pam and Bev think is a classy first lady.

I’m the one resident conservative who reads Jezebel, I suppose, heh.

Sooner or later, people are going to figure out that the South and IA, KAS, OK, TX, MT, etc are still really fucking racist. And yet, we care about the Iowa caucus, we care about what rural voters in WV think; every election we have to endure endless speculation about what those backwards fucks think. I do not care;

It’s a forum to call them out and get them out of office. There’s actual action that can be had here for the better instead of letting them get away with it by keeping it local.

So here’s what drives me crazy about the media. From the Post article:

/decides to check jez one last time before bed

The entire system of classifying information rests on the President’s authority - in a very real sense information is classified because the President says it is. It started as an executive order, and while Congress added a little garnish most of the system is still based on an executive order (that each new President

you may want to recheck what the word “literally” means...


What gets to me is that they made little black kids deal with the entire brunt of ‘desegregation’... putting them into lily white spaces where they were threatened and hated. I put ‘desegregation’ in quotes because it’s not what happened — they never, ever considered bussing their little blond Susie McBeckerson into

“ Trump’s team had (as of Wednesday) literally no pages”

And let’s contemplate for a moment that CBS/60 Minutes had him on tape for several days asking his followers to cool it, but sat on that comment. I mean, it was a pretty weak statement from him, but *still*.

Now playing

This is exactly like this scene from Tommy Boy

Lawful evil vs chaotic evil. I’ll choose lawful every time!

12.5% of the country’s voters. Only a quarter of eligible voters voted for him, and only half of them are deplorables. But, I agree stupid people do not like being called stupid.

The coastal liberals didn’t get that excited, and also protest voted for third parties figuring the rest of us would make sure the much

California has millions of Trump supporters too and I find them to be scarier when they are in areas that are liberal and still have no shame or buffer to keep them from acting out.

Also if that doof “Reince Priebus” was by chance a dem you KNOW trump would have made fun of him to no end for that dumbass name.

What’s funny is how the Internet Trumpkins are justifying it.