Fellow old here. I have no idea who these two are either. I kept thinking I would find their names somewhere. Either way, that’s a whole lotta look going on.
Fellow old here. I have no idea who these two are either. I kept thinking I would find their names somewhere. Either way, that’s a whole lotta look going on.
can someone even tell me who they are?
Dear God. I don’t even know who these people are and I hate them.
Who even are these people? I know I'm old but I swear I've never seen them.
You even have to send Airbnb your drivers license to prove you’re real.
Actually, that’s exactly what happened when my husbands wallet was stolen the night before our flight. We were able to board our flight by presenting the police report number and a scanned copy of his driver’s license that was in his sent email. He had originally scanned it because his new job required it for his…
That’s not what I said genius. But god forbid that someone who might not be so amazingly tech saavy as yourself thinks that maybe they fixed it after the last hack. Or maybe they took the pictures and thought they erased them without knowing they were on iCloud, which happens. Or maybe they just thought assholes…
So you’ve never had to submit a copy of your passport or drivers license anywhere? Lucky you. I just had to submit both in order to have an online account at an image and video sharing site. THAT is how copies end up on your server. I imagine if you travel the world constantly you have to submit this information more…
imagine taking two seconds to read about what actually happened
There are tons of websites with travel advice saying it is good to have a scanned version of your passport because it will help you get a replacement faster if you lose the real document. E.g., http://lifehacker.com/scan-and-save-…, http://www.cnn.com/2009/TRAVEL/tr…
Sadly, I didn’t get the love from Jez/The Slot :-(
Or she might have needed scans for a visa application. I went to Rio last year and I needed a scan of my passport. I imagine they had to make her visa happen in a hurry, pull strings, etc.
the evidence is pointing to an icloud hack, similar to what happened with jennifer lawrence.
I literally just told my brother this morning to make sure he scans his passport and emails it to me and/or our parents, just in case, before he leaves for an international trip next week. I do that when I travel.
Lucky you. I’ve been here for years and I’m still waiting to be ungreyed.
That info was on her iCloud. She was travelling overseas and wanted to make sure she wouldn’t be fucked over if she lost her IDs.
I totally understand everyone’s distaste for Ayn Rand... but what is wrong with George Orwell? I remember enjoying 1984, although it was some years ago now.
It has ruined my morning to discover Elon finds someone’s adoration of Ayn to be “hawt”.
Most people go through a period, either in high school or college, where they (i) read The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged; (ii) mistakenly assume that they themselves are the Howard Roark/John Galt characters in their worlds; and (iii) act like self-righteous assholes for a while. Then they grow up, recognize the…
Most likely didn’t happen because of several fairly minor inconsistencies in their testimony, which is extremely common in robbery cases?