So I had the chance to meet him in person and he was shockingly taller than one would expect in real life.
So I had the chance to meet him in person and he was shockingly taller than one would expect in real life.
Homeless people are the ones who fall do fall through the cracks unfortunately, and while poverty seems to be on the rise here, we simply don’t have such large disenfranchised voting blocks.
It’s actually really hard to be Canadian and not have some form of government record/ID, probably in large part due to our social programs. You can’t access healthcare without your health card and you can’t be employed without a social insurance number for two examples (well I suppose you can work under the table but…
I’m Canadian and we bring our IDs to vote, checked against onsite against a voter registry, with people who aren’t on it having the option to be registered to vote on site by proving address (this can be done with bills, or by a neighbour vouching for you). We also have multiple advance voting days.
It is a gloriously good day to be in and from Toronto :)
These things didn’t cause a vote for Trump, it reduced turnout for Hilary. She lost 5 million 2012 Obama voters, so that 15% hate block became decisive.
American Dems are definitely farther right of centre than counterparts in other countries. The Bernie backlash was a symptom of that.
Doesn’t Trump own Tiffany’s? I read somewhere that is why his oft forgotten daughter was given that name.
Doesn’t Trump own Tiffany’s?
He wasn’t rich or powerful at the time of Star Wars though.
Actually contrast Leia w Amidala and you will realize Carrie was quite a cute and spunky princess.
Per the LA Times it was Jared Kushner who asked.
Not calling them out is condoning them sadly.
No. Progressives are to blame bc they didn’t think America had this ugly an underbelly and therefore they needed to vote against it.
They can be prejudiced. Racism is the ability and will to act on those prejudices to the detriment of minorities.
Lower class white labour, as you call it, seems to have voted for Hilary....
You fight by getting out the vote in future elections. There are no safe states, third party is not an option.
Don’t take that for granted. All three levels of your gov seem to have been taken over by the Tea Party. This isn’t even the Reagan/Bush GOP.
Our Canadian economy is tied to the US for better or worse.
Millenials and Obama’s coalition of voters would have turned out. That’s the missing piece in this election.