
figures that chinese wedding dresses are a big part of beijing fashion week- at chinese weddings, the bride will change her dress several times (like, she’ll go into her dressing room, change her dress and hair, and then come out to applause and an announcement)

I live in Taiwan (am an American) and they struggle with a problematically low birth rate. The government’s solution? Birth control of any kind is not covered by the national health insurance. (abortion, thankfully, is legal and quite accessible- you can walk into a clinic, ask for one and receive it in the same day.

but kara- basketball shorts are not short, even a little? and they’re baggy?

if you, like me, are a men’s legs enthusiast, allow me to recommend rugby. the shortest shorts, certain parts of game play require men to stick their heads between the butts of men in front of them, and the quads are absurd...

i live in taipei and cycle everywhere and while there is a burgeoning culture of bike snobbery, it’s also still an everyman sport/hobby- the mayor is a cycling enthusiast and so he’s trying to encourage cycling as much as possible- he did a publicity stunt where he biked several hundred kilometres to the other end

the only problem with the strings is at first,they might poke your partner’s penis, which is unpleasant for your partner and his/her penis. but, with time they soften,and that ceases to happen- my current bf and partners i’ve had since the first guy who got his penis poked have never ever complained about it

i have had a mirena going on three years, and I’ve never had any problems- getting it inserted is no picnic (they have to dilate your cervix, and that is not very pleasant and quite intense, but not to a degree that is traumatizing) and i had some mild, on/off again discomfort for about a week or two after. and

Now playing

this reminded me of this very, very absurd video:

my partner and I have a monagamish agreement. we met on tinder, were casual sex bud for like...eight months, and then transitioned into boyfriend/girlfriend. for awhile, even once we got more serious, i was still sleeping with another casual sex friend guy, but after awhile, I stopped because i really did just want to

i recommend you listen to the criminal podcast’s interview with bryan stevenson, in light of his book, just mercy

asian women. the boxy big thing is the height of fashion here in taipei, by way of korean fashion boutiques/korean h&m (h-connect). you have to be very skinny for it to work.

this, a thousand times. my boyfriend is a neuroscientist, and gets pissssssed at this idea that doctors are genuises and/or scientists. medical school doesn’t take any particular amount of intellect, and a doctor is definitely not a scientist.

yes yes yes yes yes. i unabashedly have loved that show, and i still watch it because i am tooooo invested, but jackson is actually one of the only characters left that i still enjoy watching.

Okay, so here’s the thing. I love sending nude photos ( i am a lady) I also love receiving nude photos.I love dicks, and nice ones look good. I have a folder of the literally dozens of nude photos I’ve sent to my boyfriend and the many he’s sent to me of his dick and extremely nice ass. I’ve also enjoyed receiving

i disagree that it completely faded away- i think at the end of series two when peggy tells pete about it, that brings some closure, and it’s definitely part of the history the two of them have, and is consistently brought up when applicable- peggy’s look when pete tells her trudy is pregnant,and that excellent

my boyfriend’s granddad was eventually put in a no-booze nursing home outside of Glasgow that was very strict about their policy.

that onion article remains my favourite to this day, and i still fuckin’ chuckled just thinking of it.

you’re brilliant.

i really,really enjoyed reading everything in these two sentences, thank you.

exaaaaactly. are we supposed to feel badly for him because he can’t go to harvard and he’s a registered sex offender? a great way to not have that happen which is utterly in your control is to not be a rapist.

...are you one of my siblings? i have a racist cousin brian toooooo! aren’t they the worst??