Cheech and El-Kabong

I’m sticking around for a few more days to see where everyone else is heading. Unless we decide on a place I’ll be taking my talents to doorfliesopen who themselves know what it’s like to have a great site ruined by shitheads.

And despite his best efforts he’ll forever be tied to Obama. And while Obama will be forever praised cheeto will always be known as a conman whose tweets will be in history books as ridicule.

I know this is wishful thinking but is there a chance this will have a wireless function? I’m about to install wall mounted TVs and don’t like the thought of having wires going up my wall, even when they’re covered.

Not sure how it works in the NFL but in the NBA you have to make a good faith effort to look for another job else they don’t have to pay you. The racist cheap bastard who used to own the Clippers was notorious for enforcing this, if it exists in the NFL look for Snyder to be the same

This argument, in addition to his 10 million demand, have been thrown around and debunked. Even if true it doesn’t explain why teams went out of their way to avoid giving him a tryout, even worse is how they made excuses when questioned up front about why they he’s not given a chance.

Think about this, if it wasn’t

If you’re going to complain about Bush at least get the stadium correct, it’s “The Ballpark in Arlington”

And while I’m no fan of Bush, the list of how these two guys are different stretches a mile long. But I’ll mention a few - Bush left his ownership stake when he was elected governor of Texas, ownership was was

Tim Blake Nelson can win 20 oscars and be on the level envied by the likes of Jack Nicholson, Leonardo DiCaprio, Robert Deniro pre-2000, etc and yet the only thing I’ll be able to think of when I see his face is that FBI tech with the goofy laugh in Donnie Brasco.

I still remember the parody songs stations used to play in the style of Hokey Pokey

“You throw your hat right in, you pull your hat back out. You throw your hat back in and you fake the people out, you do the Ross Perokey and you fake the people out. That’s what it’s all about”

And damn if I can’t find a copy of that

It’s because he’s what Jerrah has wanted since he fired Johnson, a coach will act like Jimmy to the players but bow down and kiss the ring when in his presence. Outside of Tuna no coach has come close to what Jerrah desires and with the clock ticking to his dirt nap getting louder the last thing he’s going to do is

Jerry is about 5 years away from taking a permanent nap, thus if it’s his call he’ll mortgage the future in hopes that one player is all that remains. I’m sure Seattle knows this as well and is playing the waiting game.

When I was a Cowboys fan I used to hold out hope that Jerry only had a few years left before he took a dirt nap and we were freed. I’d be super sad if I were a Redskins fan as Snyder has at least 20+ years left to drag the franchise across the floor.  

I’m in Wilmington where it’s expected to make landfall. Even the locals who’ve been here a while are stressing out as if they were out-of-towners experiencing their first storm. If it makes landfall as a 4 it’ll be the third since 1851 and the most recent since 1954, definitely not a normal storm. 

And yes, I’m leaving

That stadium seats only 18,000. Heck my D1 college stadium can only fit 30,000.

Didn’t help Father of the Pride that Roy was attacked by Montecore in between the show’s announcement and first airing. 

I usually play action movies or manly-type shows that make a would-be burglar think an alpha male is at the house.

I used to live in Dallas and worked with multiple people who had a serious hero/alpha male-wannabe issues. Those guys are just itching for confrontation, anything to make them feel like a big man. Once I had a co-worker loudly bragging he was going to confront the local Occupy Wall Street crowd and challenge any of

I wish I had two points so I can give one for your post and one for your username. And this article makes me feel REALLY old as it felt like yesterday we were talking about how old we were because of athletes joining the league who were born in the 80s.

Eagles fans are like Yankee fans = assholes whether their teams win or lose.
Boston fans are like Cowboy fans = whiners when things don’t go their way, insufferable assholes when things do.

It’s why we first told Cubs fans congrats on the WS, followed by “Don’t become Boston fans”

Second the physical therapist. I had an impingement in my shoulder and it caused the pain in my bicep, like Delete I couldn’t reach straight forward without it screaming and various other motions. A few weeks of therapy and now it’s just a matter of rebuilding my strength. It’ll take a few months but it will get

How is it compared to Mr. Number? Not trolling, just curious as I’ve used Mr.Number for a while and like everything outside of sending blocked calls to voicemail.