
I like the colors in her gown. The fuschia and orange compliment each other well. I just wish the clutch wasn’t soo matchy matchy with the dress. A better combination would have been the fuschia with maybe turquoise accents!

Trudeau and Obama standing together and holding a baby made me weep at what a gorgeous couple they’d be.

Michelle’s hair looks like she and the Prez got down just before walking in. I love it.

I’m gonna march out my front door and punch the first Republican I can find. Bye.

Why is he not running? Why??!! He would have made the perfect compromise candidate between Hillary and Bernie, at least in my head.

Where exactly were her parents? My 2-and-half-year-old helps a little when we’re dressing him, but he doesn’t attempt to dress himself. And he doesn’t know 911. Is this a very advanced 2 year old?

After every. single .answer

Look! A squirrel!

Look! A squirrel!

I'm sorry I skipped the article just to read the comments. What are we talking about and I disagree!!!

The fact that I’m reading this right now already means I’m easily dis

I will always have a soft spot for Bobby Cannavale because of The Station Agent. Love, love, love him in that gem of a little film.

The Puritan Backroom is also the name of my Salem Witch Hunt-themed gay sex dungeon.

That same thing happened with my mom. Goes her entire life with out so much as talking about guns. Suddenly she buys three of the things and is talking about Obama taking guns etc.

My wife and I ask about whether our son’s playdates’ parents own guns, and if they do, he just doesn’t go to their place, regardless of what sort of measures they theoretically have to “secure” their firearms.

I’ve had success with laying things out clearly and refusing to discuss/debate. “You absolutely have the right to choose to own guns, and that’s not a decision that I am part of. However, I have to make the best choices I can for my child. For me, this includes not visiting homes where there are firearms. You are

I would just not take them there unless the guns are removed permanently. You can never be too protective a mamabear.

Don’t let them gaslight you! My friend was at a family gathering with her little kids, and her dad got up and his tiny gun fell onto the chair and he didn’t even notice...AT A FUCKING FAMILY BBQ! She will not let him be around her children while armed. It’s a totally legitimate request.

I'd buy that bumper sticker.