
So she’s not responsible for what she did before, but B is? Why is he the asshole in this situation?

AGC - Yes, you are an asshole for sleeping with B. No, you should not tell A. You should probably break up with A though, spare him any more of your selfish bullshit, and then cut ties with B too.


Was going to comment the exact same thing. This is some Grade-A Assholery right here.

Amen. I sort by function, or person, not by color. Never once in my life has this led to any kind of hilarious pink clothing.

That’s what I was thinking, too. That seems reasonable.

ABD: Always Be Donking

What’s with the versions that have the little flags on either side like they’re waving in an aircraft?

Very excited for Castlevania!

What exactly is being illustrated at 1:55? It’s highlighting the enemy health for some reason?

Those Amiibo look gorgeous (with the exception of the weird support placement on Urbosa).

*YOINK* Yes, please.

*YOINK* Yes, please.

That chomping into the fire flower effect was pretty great. Other than that, this was all pretty clunky.

Okay, but are we going to have to sail away from a happy totem friend and watch is get engulfed by the sea again? Because I’m still dealing with all of that from the first time.

I’d like to also call attention to Acquisitions Incorporated ( ). Penny Arcade has been recording a lot of their DnD stuff for almost 10 years, including their live events at PAX.

This should come as no surprise at this point. Exclusive minifigs bundled in otherwise over priced sets has been the LEGO MO for years now.

What do you grease it with? I’ve tried butter, bacon grease, and non-stick cooking spray and *every* time I try to do this, my mug gets encrusted with molten egg residue.

Worth noting - sometimes it can be helpful to have a recording of something that you never share with anyone else, just to make sure you remember an important conversation exactly. If you are called upon later to relate those events you can do so with confidence without saying “Here’s a recording of our conversation.”

What’s with the upskirt school girl picture in the banner? That’s the best representation of laziness you could find?

Bah! I want another Rune Factory game!