
Thank you! When did this update roll out and how can we kill it with fire? 

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“I’m a Pretender” by the Exploding Hearts is an all-time great. Say what you will about the guitar-pop band that died in a car crash before they could release a second album...

I’m assuming McDonald’s founder was Killer Kroc?

As a Thrashers fan when the team was in Atlanta it was surprisingly enjoyable seeing the last seconds tick off, even with all the icings. I’ll probably still ride with Nashville in the next round assuming they meet up but I feel good for Little and Enstrom who both managed to somehow make it through both of the prior

Your commitment to bringing the Winnipeg content is always appreciated, Barry.

“In His Loving Service” is the worst fucking James Bond movie.

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In 1997, I was a Freshman at the University of North Dakota. My friends and I took a weekend trip to Winnipeg because of Manitoba’s preferable drinking laws.

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Who doesn’t remember Brady Anderson? And Billy Ripken. And Wilson Alvarez.

Pat Meares, Abraham Nunez, Jose Hernandez, Jose Castillo, Jack Wilson, Kevin Young, Chris Duffy, Tike Redman, Mike Williams, Joe Beimel, Kip Wells, Josh Fogg, Pokey Reese, Humberto Cota, Brad Eldred, Rob Mackowiak, Andy LaRoche, Salomon Torres, Randall Simon, Bobby Hill, Ronny Paulino, Ian Snell, Mike Gonzalez, Adam

Ron Coomer

Quilvio Veras

Ron Karkovice

Mickey Morandini

Baseball - Lew Ford

Once again, a black man discovers the Blues, but it’s white guys who make money off them.