
Can’t believe the lack of love for Cruz Lucius and Kassius Kler.

They definitely looked better as the season went on, for sure, but I’m not sure they make up the 25 points they needed to make the playoffs in the 20 or so games they were without Raanta. But yeah, if their young guys continue to develop and their vets stay healthy, they should be in the mix for the playoffs next year.

I think in a lot of ways it comes down to whether you appreciate the atmosphere of live sports or not (in the sense that plenty of people these days, for example, say it’s a better experience to watch an NFL game on TV than actually be in the stadium.) I’ve covered a few World Cups in Whistler and it’s pretty neat to

Ooh, and Bob Hamelin!

Sean Berry

Marty ‘Tanning Bed’ Cordova :/

If he’s asking for bottles of toothpaste, he’d better make sure he grabs the right bottle when he’s knockin’ back his cognac. (Bottles of toothpaste aren’t seriously a thing, are they?)

The full feature ends with Toews explaining how he cares about the environment so Don Cherry’s head is going to explode at the thought of a pinko leading a team to three Cups.