
That's fine, and I'll concede to your documents facts (I've seen research citing 15-30% of the public owning firearms of some sort), however the fact that the term "well-regulated" appears in the second amendment always struck me as treating the militia as a group separate from the general citizenry. The Militia Acts

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'The only purpose of a gun is to kill another person.'

Your logic is flawed. I don't even own a gun, nor do I like guns. I haven't shot one since I went hunting when I was 14. But people have the right to defend themselves if they so choose.

You, sir, are an idiot. The original intent was to arm the people, to make sure that the people always had means to defend themselves and, if necessary, overthrow the government just as was necessary during the Revolutionary war. Before you start into a liberal rant about how that's no longer plausible, please

The Constitution gives us the right to keep and bear arms, as citizens of this country. Why would the founders want that? To protect ourselves and to protect our country from tyranny.

The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. So next time someone has you at gun point, you hold up your

At the time of its writing a "militia" was nothing more than a bunch of civilians grabbing their rifles and defending their city/state from invaders when the government was too far removed to do anything or send aid fast enough.

Secondly, when individual states began writing and implementing their own bill of

On average, 3880 persons were victims of fatal drowning. Guns don't kill people, clearly water kills people.

"I ask sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people except for a few politicians."
- George Mason (father of the Bill of Rights)

Actually, the Supreme Court along with other courts have upheld the 2nd amendment as a personal right. See United States v. Emerson (2001), District of Columbia v. Heller (2008), and McDonald v. Chicago (2008). The idea being that the focus of the amendment lies in the wording "The right of the people to bear arms

Why do you need whatever hobbies you have? Just because you don't understand it doesn't mean it should be outlawed. And the entire topic is very relevant to gamers in general. Maybe not you, but then look at the title before you read.

A thousand times yes! I'm astonished the number of people that still think that. Scalia even makes a vague suggestion that if you read the 2nd and thought it out, you could make the argument that *only* guns with a valid military purpose would be covered. But that's not either here nor there.

"The original intent"? Son, the original intent by the framers was to both have a regulated militia and to have the common man armed in the same manner as the militia (even when not serving in it). This was in direct response to the British Crown's taxation, confiscation, and outlawing of privately owned firearms.


I'm sorry, but that's such a load of crap. Discussing the issue of mental health isn't some secret agenda to help people 'cling to their guns'. It's a legitimate issue; guns or no guns.

No, the constitution absolutely DOES NOT say that, and the supreme court has ruled as such.