
Really? Go read the psychological studies done of people that suffer from that level of psychosis. Part of their neurosis is that they view themselves as superhuman. Studies have already shown that games, movies, and books can feed that in someone who is predisposed to it.

The way I read it, and the way the SCotUS has, is that the regulated militia is the end result of the right to keep and bear arms by the citizenry.

You have to understand that they're mutually exclusive and beneficial to one another. It's all in the placement of the commas, lol.

Wrong. The majority of LEOs that you'll ask support regulated, and lawful ownership. They'd rather respond to a home owner who's shot his intruder than a home owner that's been killed and robbed.

And, for the most part, most owners of firearms know enough to announce when they have one. Look at Alaska, perfect example

Double post.

Wrong. These guys felt superhuman before they ever got their hands on a weapon. I know when I carry both professionally and privately (with my LCC), I don't feel superhuman or invulnerable. I do feel safe and secure that I can handle any negative scenario that needs to be dealt with.

Before you mention LEOs (law

Studies show that active shooters in Colorado, Sandy Hook, the DC Sniper, and others have a disconnect with reality and view themselves as superhuman. So yeah, that's where your little point becomes flawed.

To an active shooter, or those predisposed to it (which, weirdly enough, are usually lonely single men who are

Says the guy spouting the common brainless excuses while supporting the very tools that glorify school shootings.

Wrong, on so many levels. Go back to circle jerking about how bad guns are while glorifying active school shooters on Counter Strike.

Oh my god. I'm convinced you're a lunatic now.

Let me get this straight. It's ok, to you, for people to practice shooting up a school in a game, which then feeds their fantasy - a proven way to get them to the next stage, which is actively seeking the shoot out - but not for legal ownership of firearms.

I reiterate,


A knife's primary function is to cut or stab. So restrict knives.

But you're ok with having maps in games based on real life places, like schools, so that people can practice shooting the place up? Stop taking away others rights while still demanding your own.

Yes, they were. Every farmer, trade coachman, and frontiersman had a musket, pistol, or similar weapon. In fact, that's why the British were so concerned about everyone having weapons, that they began to raise the prices on tariffs for imported items related to guns.

So your point is slightly off. Yes, the poor beggar

We have more people, therefore more chances for weapon violence. And most of those murders come from strictly controlled gun areas and are done by criminals, gang members, and the like. So, yeah, criminals kill people. Also, places here have tried to outlaw weapons, and their murder rates by illegal firearms have

"The original intent"? Son, the original intent by the framers was to both have a regulated militia and to have the common man armed in the same manner as the militia (even when not serving in it). This was in direct response to the British Crown's taxation, confiscation, and outlawing of privately owned firearms.
