
Emails was the main correspondence between these two characters, so absolutely that was a likely email. I used email extensively with my future wife at the time while we were dating, and we wrote long emails to each other similar to this. (we had some restrictions on how and when we could communicate because of her

‘If you do win an award tonight, don’t use it as a platform to make a political speech. You’re in no position to lecture the public about anything. You know nothing about the real world’

Unfortunately, after a run of tolerable jokes, Gervais interrupted himself with a little rant about how everyone in the audience is a hypocrite for working with big companies like Amazon and Netflix and Apple and how nobody has the right to thank any of these companies in their speeches because none of the actors in

Wow. That’s gorgeous.

That’s ... wonderful. 

She was clearly heavily influenced by the Romantic Movement (ending just a few decades before born), of which nature-as-metaphor and enjoying natural splendor was A Thing.

Yep, if you didn’t enjoy that, Lucy Maude is not for you.

Well, that is just lovely.

I’d actually defend Melville here. If you didn’t live near the coast in the US, you might not even have a firm grasp on what a whale is, much less on the whaling or nautical systems. Realize that he published that more than 10 years before the Civil War, when a lot of people might have never left their home town.

this is the most false equivalence i’ve ever seen


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Jason Statham rightly gets a lot of love, but Allison Janney also absolutely slayed as their boss.

They’d probably prefer a 4x3.

“During the threat of an assassination attempt, I appeared convincingly in front of Congress as Barack Obama.”

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And I like that contrary to some of the ads, I like that McCarthy’s character was hypercompetent in the field. There was a lot more that can and was done with than if she was a slapstick-y fool. The kitchen fight scene was legit fun!

With even more Jason Statham. Maybe have every other character except Melissa McCarthy’s go into the Face-Off machine and have everyone played by Jason Statham.

Heh heh heh.  Oh, white dot with blue tail, will you ever find what you’re looking for?

everyone in that movie is having a good time, the setup and characters are far more interesting then you’d expect from the marketing and i could watch an entire movie of mccarthy making fun of that german henchman. the plot is ultimately nonsense, but its not why you’re there.

They should make a sequel to Spy. that movie was a lot of fun

I think the baby had her mother’s trainer’s eyes, not traitor’s eyes.