
No Country is much more rewatcheable. I loved There will be blood butI don’t think I’ve ever rewatched it. I thought about it recently though. I probably should.

Is Kirsten Dunst repected and loved now? I remeber at the time she was disliked. I did just watch her in Fargo though. Aw jeez she’s good in that.

I remeber the rule as a kid was that sequels are never as good as the first and the third always sucks.

I think Transformers #3 was my first issue. I know Death’s Head made the transition fromTransformers to regular continuity, but was there ever a definitive moment when Transformers ceased to be Marvel canon?

Wait until you see how far Whedon’s star will fall. I come from the future.

I remeber her hot in LA Story. She had a scene with her really nice legs featured. Her character’s personality was cute.

It’s better if you say it, “Hubba Bubba bubble gum.” and say it quickly.

Wait two years until you see who your president will be assuming you are from the USA.

I totally thought Breaking Bad when I saw this. Big shots of giant sky!

I just watched Board James and it was brilliant. It’s too bad nobody on this thread has nothing much to say except Ghostbusters

if he ever found himself in a gas station shootout, literally going “He hates these cans! Stay away from the cans!” would actually be a plausible reaction from him.

I had cut this image for something entirelessy unrelated and had it in my clipboard at this very moment, so I decided to paste here in your honor Sir Martian Law.


It’s not just Trump.

Carrie Coon motherfucker! Carrie Coon.

Did you ever watch The Wire? The cops were always “jukin’ the stats”

The were wolves were a thing briefly mentioned in the second film. People got excited and then nothing came of it. I did just Google it and look what I found.

I have tons opf data to support my claim, but a well-designed structured interview in which the interviewer has the questions in advance and asks the same ones to all candidates with a rating scale is the best way to make a face-to-face interview meaningful and informative. Hiring by gut feelings is not a great idea

And what happenede with the Matrix werewolves? That was some wierd worldbuilding that went nowhere.

I disagree about the Pirates franchise small cultural imprint. For a 10 year period it felt like every display TV at Best Buy and Walmart played a Pirates movie on continuous loop.