
In one of the EU books that probably isn’t canon now, I read about a padawan learning to use one, and the problem that makes lightsabers so difficult to use for most people is the plasma “blade” doesn’t have any weight to it, so it feels like you’re just swinging the hilt around and thats it, which makes it really

I am going to go with the Sarah Connor Chronicles, mostly because it ended on a cliffhanger which could have made things really interesting.

Narcissism isn’t a diagnosis - it exists on a spectrum. You can show narcissistic behaviors, just like everyone does from time to time. The more you do it, the more consistent the pattern of narcissistic behavior is, combined with some other symptoms common to the actual diagnosis of narcissistic personality disorder,

I never understood why that was torture for a droid. Since they are made of metal, and didnt have nerves.

I understood that reference

Reboot the series back into the cold war, you cowards. 

The big thing is that it’s never revealed why the tracksuits wanted it. They specifically hit the auction for the watch.

I always use, “ By the way, what’s your safe word?”, as an icebreaker.

I didn’t get the impression that Lama Su was being killed off quite yet. I feel like we’d have at least heard the shot if that were the case.

Ruby is a space pangolin, obviously.

it just feels like too much of this show is comprised of filler or mostly filler episodes.
The squad are not progressing towards any kind of goal or confrontation (I assume EVENTUALLY Crosshair will get around to actively hunting them), and there’s barely any kind of character development after 13 episodes. (it feels

I really liked Rogue One and need to revisit soon.

Those are signal lights - the sort waved by people on runways and aircraft carriers to indicated where to land and all that.

It’s not selfcest.  It’s self actualization.  

Is it incest or just really fancy masturbation?

I haven’t followed the series after the first couple of episodes. The Batch feel like a bunch of GI Joe character rejects, and it totally kills the atmosphere for me. Is it any better now?


C'mon AV Club, if you want comments, cover a show like 2 and 1/2 Men or some Discovery Channel crap.

C'mon AV Club, if you want comments, cover a show like 2 and 1/2 Men or some Discovery Channel crap.

May Plinkett pay you a visit in the dead of the night.