
Thank you. I hate the giant bean into the sky. This one wasn’t so bad though. My first reaction was “This is sooo lame”, but it wasn’t the enormous beam to heaven and it made sense since it was only going a couple hundred feet up to the ceiling of her creation.

Yeah. I know. Cruz is smart though. For reals. Wicked smart, so we know that in reality he is just an evil asshat. My money is on Josh Hawley of being the potential intelligent dioctator to fill Trump’s shoes. I don’t know how Crtuz gets reelected. Most puncheable face ever. It’s really not fair what I have said about

No comment on him living in a trailer?

I like that he eats fried eggs with his fingers.

Smooth move ExLax.

As did I. A lot of Southern Califirnia looks like that though.

Tough guy biker? I give you Coen movie castmember Randall Tex Cobb.

Best concert EVER!

Wierd. I’m from 2021 and just finished The Leftovers and therfore followed up with Fargo for more Carrie Coon. In fact mere minutes ago I was reading the comments on a The Leftovers AvClub review. 

Sy looks a little bit like Ted Cruz, so shit for brains attorney.

They don’t use Google on their phone web browser? 

I represent 2021 here. I watched my mother call information for the phone number top a restaurant. Apparently the operator was unable to do a simple Google search and wasn’t able to find the place while mother kept repeating the same name of the restaurant and city name. I toild her to hang up and give me her phone

Hmmm. You might be right. Maybe we will find out the states of The Avengers in Falcon and the Winter Soldier. Those two might be the closest thing to a team and only Falcon is official. We Have Hulk and Thos. Thor is heading to space I believe. Is Ant Man an Avenger? Was Spider-Man ever official?

Yeah, but True Blood may have been simple and obvious in that respect it was generally not boring unless the subject matter was the prime love interest of the show, Vampire Bill.

Eh, I knew it was a little weak. I’ll try harder next time. I was thinking more Karen in trying to get something done by a route that it would never get done. I couldn’t stop thinking about, “Why is she arguing with the security guard” throughout the whole scene. She’s an Avenger. She should have somebody’s direct

What are you talking about? it’s February 2012. Are you writing me from the future? Ooohhhh 2021. The future. Neat. Tell me, has anything interesting happened recently or is it just same ‘ol, same ‘ol?

Swap Rice Krispies for Fruity Pebbles. Sublime.

There seemed like a lot of activity for a small town jacked up like that. I once driove through Butte, MT once. Nobody in the streets downtown. There were only like two places to go there. I think they were dark dive bars.

I tell you what I would do. I would march right up to that security/information desk and demand that I be shown Visions body immediately. I’d Karen the shit out of that security guard and just talk to him like he would know all about that most likely tip of the top secret secret. If the security guard couldn’t help

Now that’s just cold! (no pun intended, but I’m rolling with it)