A lot of people still realy dislike Blade RUnner. I watched it recently and I understand. It is a bit slow. Not for everybody.
A lot of people still realy dislike Blade RUnner. I watched it recently and I understand. It is a bit slow. Not for everybody.
At least the woke people are trying to do good.
Dude, you are sooooo cool.
Willim Shatner?
That episode had Eddie Munster.
Neither did Ewan MCGregor know either. D’oh!
I have a thing for girls with colored hair.
Ewan McGregor looks like Ron Paul. His lawyer like Ted Cruz.
High five! It is soo much fun. Robbie is delightful. When she slides down the slide, “Weeeeeeeeee.” Adorable.
Wasn’t it a Pholip K. Dick story or something? I’m too lazy to look it up.
I hated ET the little dingleberry.
It’s good. Not the best in the world. I wholeheartedly recommend it. It’s from my home town. I like their garlicy whatever fries. They now have really good tater tots.
I heard somenbody recewntly calling for a Small Wonder reboot. Remember with V.I.C.K.I. the little girl robot.
I called him Pee-Man!
Destroyed his life. Talk about setting yourself up for a relapse.
I got this just today. I don’t normally share things on Facebook but today I did.
I was reading this Caesarimp amd looked at your avatar and thought it mght have been a penis.
There was a low angle highway shot that reminded me of Raising Arizona.
I’ve read that this leaves his collegues scratching their heads. Obviously, Oz is in it for the money, but I read once that collegues didn’t just wholesale believe he was a grifter and that he had conviction in the junk he pushes.
I have some friends. They have a city pass that let’s them into several cultural centers and activities around town. They go to these things and watch but then I never really hear them talk about where they have been, what they saw or be excited for any activity they are going to see. Maybe they enjoy just being…