
Look what The House of Mousae pulled off with the MCU and they couldn’t coordinate three movies in a linear structure? WTF? I’d have Kathleen Kennedy’s head over that.

It’s a trip though. You will see in the near future her participathing in The Watchman TV show and she looks 10 years younger even though it’s 3-4 years later than the time you are currently watching this in 2015. I am from 2021. Beware it’s a rough one.

Yeah, too many tangents. WHat’s her name’s amnesia in the woods. I’m so used to seasons lasting only 8-12 episodes now it would be hard to go back to 24 episodes. I’ll think about it. Too much good TV these days.

I’m pretty sure Peggy’s a sociopath.

Hasn’t CBS always been known as the “old people” channel?

I’m confused. Didn’t a large chunk of LA get blown up at the end of one season?

What did I say about love or sexual? “Wholesome” in the same sentence as “fuck”? Is that what you mean because I almost made a joke about that. Ummm, I do know that there is a Star Wars “adult film” featuring Ahsoka. I’m not sure how Anakin fit’s into it. Hahahaha Get it? Anakin.......he fits in.......hahahahaha

I just about said, “She?” I forgot. I did like when when she who was he at the time refered to themself as an “action transvestite”. That probably doesn’t fly these days but the words togetehr are funny.

I read somewhere that she actually wasn’t under contract yet for the next season. I’m not sure though. I tried to confirm that and couldn’t find anything that corrobarated it.

I will not be intimidated! 

Orange and blue also contrasting colors. He could play defense for the Denver Broncos.

I don’t think I finished season 4. It’’s been so long. Did something awesome happen?

Yeah, but they are city owned vehicles. I don’t see how they are allowed any decals.

Yeah, she wasn’t really any kind of huge asset. She was a pretty generic and expendable character.

Yeah I know Marvel doesn’t support the cops. One day at work I say I giant mean looking bals dude with Nazi looking tats on hois head but the centerpiece was the Punisher logo. The skull taking up the back of his head with the teeth covering the back of the neck. I had to talk to him. He was quite polite,

Ahsoka and Anakin’s love is wholesome as fuck.

You are right. He did crush the tubes. He wasn’t quite a Frankenstein’s monster character so that’s another dumb thing. Frankenstein’s monster wasn’t obedient at all like Vader turned out to be.

Swinging on ropes with laser swords seems dumb. You don’t even need to hit your opponent. Snip the rope.

I never thought much of Elizabeth Olson. Probably the association with her sisters and definitely because of her awful accent in Ultron. Not fair at all. She’s really great.

I remember walking out of the theater after seeing TPM amd my friend and I were confused. Was it good? Was it bad? I think the only thing we agreed on was that it was a movie.