It was just so goofy looking. I can just see Lucas saying, “This is what the kids like today. I asked my children and they are always right”
It was just so goofy looking. I can just see Lucas saying, “This is what the kids like today. I asked my children and they are always right”
WHy didn’t we get more Herzog? I thought he would be an ongoing character. He had never even seen a Star Wars movie which makes his cameo in The Mandalorian just another wierd thing that Herzog has done in his life.
Somebody once suggested when he hears of Padmes death the entire room should have sort of self-destructed even though it was Vader doing it. I liked that.
Oh man. The Leia scenes in TRoS were awful.
Samne with Ahsoka’s Maul battle in the recent Clone Wars conclusion.
I thought TFA was a lot of fun like a Star Wars movie should be. I liked The Last Jedi and my second viewing.
It was wierd to see two Jedi colored lightsabers fight. It wasn’t as dramatic as blue or green vs. red.
Yah, but Palpatine was a brilliant person. More Mitch McConnell than Trump.
Slaughtering the kids was pretty WOW for me and otherwise I agree.
I remember the crowd getting really excited at the Yoda fight in AOtC. Of course that was probably just when his fired up his lightsaber, but it was exciting.
Why didn’t they show Anakin fight the Jedi council? That seems like a lost opportunity.
I had this some thing happen and had no idea why.
No closure. Amiee just departs.
What does the fact that he moved to Rome have anything to do with this? He moved to Rome. It is a thing. He had a relationship with Fellini a great director. That’s the story he is telling.
Man Gets Hit in The Groin By Football.
Blockbuster, no. At Video Station in Boulder, CO they had all kinds of curated cinema sections expscially for directors. It was considered one of the top video rental stores in the country. It was a great place.
Don’t forget Eddie HAskell TV’s first certifiable sociopath.
I’ll take Ren and Stimpy’s happy dance thank you very much.
Less competition from cable.
Based on this, why weren’t you hired to write Alien Covenant?