
Don’t forget about Bryan Singer.

I think I get the way she was trying to emphasize things. “Was. Not. Appropriate.” is a sarcastic way of saying something like that.

I thought it only lasted one season on Netflix. Still Netflix plays some pretty niche stuff. I have another criticism. WandaVision has too few family members for an Arrested Development. Plus, AD wasn’t traditionally episodic enough for the WV premise.

I remember the gray thing. I think that was an issue with printing certain colors. But were his pants purple? The thing about green and purple is they are contrasting colors so that seems by design.

What’s the dEaL with WestView!?!

I think I do remember that. They could have been a little more clever than that though. Not even one Michelle catchphrase?

Wasn’t she getting her masters degree in social science of some type in Thor? Yeah, political science.

Eddie Izzard? Sold! 

They clearly see those comments as something that could impact sales.

Don’t forget Sarah Connor.

I love how Rebulicans are fans of “at-will” employment until one of their gets shit-canned for doing something not work related. At-will employment in action.

I’m waiting for Marvel to cancel the Punisher. Is the Punisher even relevant anymore? At least to anybody that isn’t a cop or skinhead type?

I only watched half of the episode so I may be talking out of my butt, but if I were to fake being a serial killer I might make those stabbings very deliberate and precise. It seems more like a serial killer to me, at least a serial killer in these kind of shows, that are sick and disturbed enough to be premeditated, s

Hasn’t CBS been known as the old people channel forever?

Since I was a kid I suspected that the Dark Tower world that had “moved on” was really our world many, many, many years after Captain Trips.

That was Family Ties Though. With the paintings?

Agreed. This show is suppossed to be setting up the Dr. Strange film also starring Wanda. I can see a mutant or two showing up, just not the X-Men.

But in TV land a PhD in one thing often means super smart and capable in everything.

Is the entire Hex like an island? Maybe they all will slowly die?

People keep thinking there will be a Seinfeld episode. It just doesn’t match at all. Agnes would have been the Kramer character though.