
I was disappointed Vision didn’t go Hal/Bryan Cranston a sort of man child always finding his way into the goofiest situations possible.

When you think about it, what does astrophysics have to do with this Wanda/Hex situation? Not much.

Isn’t Arrested Development pretty nichey and a cult thing. It got cancelled pretty early. I don’t think most people would get it.

Ummmm, The Incredible Hulk?

Seven? Cousin Seven?

I’m now agreeing with the people that have been saying the X-Men will not be introduced on a streaming television show, but Disney proved it has balls with that Mandalorian season 2 finale. So now I’m thinking that this show may plant the seeds for mutantkind and some kind of trigger.

I really enjoy when they find ways to fit silly superhero costumes from old comics onto more modernly dressed characters. Obviously this. I think two of the recent Spider-Man series did a play on Peter’s cheap homemade costume. Luke Cage on Netflix had him forced to be in his rediculous comic outfit and they teased

We never did get a proper Full House gag did we? Lost opportunity: the shows sitcom theme, twins, and Olsen sister. 

There was recently some new psychology research on playing the victim. They didn’t say it, but it sounded like their definition of ego-victimization was when you feels persecuted by others. It sounded a lot like republicanism.

I thought she was awful. The worst parts of the show.

I’ve never understood why people put political stickers on their car’s bumpers. It seems like a great way to get keyed, even worse, social media. This is especially true if you are public figure whose career is not politics.

For fun recasting see last night’s or is it tonight’s WandaVision.

I really wasn’t impressed with her acting. Frankly, I thought she was pretty bad.

I read somewhere that Mads is up for another season if somebody like a streaming service can pull it together.

I wass unimpressed and turned it off halfway through. I figured that I wiould see what people had to say here and then determine if I will watch the rest.

I got 5 episoede into Hannibal season 1 and it just seems mostly like a standard procedural that’s just gross. I hear it gets better with more developed story arcs. When? Can I just jump ahead a few episodes or should I start over with season 2 maybe? I love Mads and really want to enjoy that show.

Pet peeve. I may not have heard this correctly but when they are examining the bodies in the lake they refer to both psychopaths and sociopaths, bot ttems no longer used in clinical psychologists as sick perverted gross people that do terrible things to their victim’s bodies. I wouldn’t be surprised if those terms are

I agree. He seems like a nice enough guy. Whatever. How did I come up with that? but he’s in so many things and , just like you said, he’s a competent enough actor, just bland. Blah.

Maybe they are stting up Wanda introducing X-men in the upcoming Dr. Strange movie?

I was hoping they would tie into The Dark Tower and Flagg/Faraday wold be revealed as Walter/The Man in Black.