
Flagg shows up again in Brazil in the book, correct? It would be awesome if they gotr a Mathew mcconaughey cameo as I beleive Flagg/Walter/ the Man in Black are the same person, no?

Prison workout.

Brazil did something similar. I don’t know if tyhey took the children away but they tried to “blend” the races and various mixes of criollos, mestizos and the like.

NArcissism? He straight up tells Matt that Kevin Jr. is not the center of the Jesus narrative but that he is. Delusions of grandeur.

I can’r decide if the low point was Flagg’s balcony dance or the awful mock trial scene/ Remember when Cristopher Nolan did that scene better in The Dark Knight Rises? It had Cillian Murphy as the Sandman Judge, and was much more brief. That was a highlight of that mediocre movie.

I’m waiting for next week’s coda to reference The Dark Tower. I think that would be neat. I sure hope King doesn’t show up SPOILER ALERT at the top of the power or anything slightly like that.

Manson was involved at noe time? Uff, dodged a bullet.

I am regularly shocked by what happens in that show. I skipped the opening credits to that episode at fisrt only to learn after that they used The Perfect Strangers theme. I had to go back and watch and the theme song had me laughing out loud.

I get what you are saying but can’t say that I completely approve. Not that you need my approval or anything. Is till think you should make an appt.

I’m totally hijacking the discussion over at The Stand reviews with The Leftovers talk and promotion as well. King fans would be much happier watching The Leftovers if they haven’t already seen it.

You know what else sucks? I just recently got hooked on The Leftovers and am binging it on the edge of my seat. That show is so good and I watched an hour of The Stand instead last night just to get it over with and be caught with you guys for this discussion.

This was just sooooo not good. The way Vamnpire Eric delivered his speech was awful. I don’t know how to explain it but he was spitting out each line like a person spitting watermelon seeds one at a time. Maybe more like sunflower seeds.

I’m a hiring manager and I call every single person I want to interview because I can extrapolate a great deal about them just based on how they answer the phone and how they react to my inquiry.

Carrie Coon is my new girlfriend. She strangely looks like somebody I used to date, but also not like her. Strange.

I had to check that too.

That trampoline scene was the first true cringe-worthy moment in the entire series.

Carrie Coon and Thandie Newton in their apeshit bizarre HBO tv shows are both my girlfriends.

OK, I’m several years behind and just now watching. Or maybe I’m several years ahead of you and commenting back from the WORST YEAR EVER! But who are these people that just show up in the comments of a third or second season of a show to ask how it is?

And I just checked. Mark Lynn Baker actually does have two degrees from Yale. He has an undergrad and  Master in Fine Arts in Drama.

I’m wondering if the radiation thing somehow has to do with the flashforward, like Nora getting zapped to the plane of existence that everyone departed to