Talking to disembodied voices? No effing deal. Auto-asphyxiation? Cool. Everybody has their quirks and pet peeves.
Talking to disembodied voices? No effing deal. Auto-asphyxiation? Cool. Everybody has their quirks and pet peeves.
Okay so this is a year later and I can’t imagine anyone will see this but … but …
It’s a less offensive trope that the white savior. Tom Cruise in that samarai movie.
I can’t beleive Paul from The Wonder Years could do this.
I thought about that too. I was assuming the teeth were made to be that way with prosthetics. It pretty effectively highlights the rediculousness of the character. He’s mirthful. Full of mirth.
Boredom is the worst. I think we should allow them that. I also get not having enough time to do anything constructive. That sucks too.
I hear one of the biggest actor complaints is boredom in between takes. Or if your Danial Craig getting into James Bond shape. That seems like a reasonable greivance.
The bigger-name actors (Goldberg, Skarsgaard, Kinnear) seem to have so little interaction with the other cast members that it feels like most of their scenes were filmed quickly.
The Leftovers is so strange. I can’t beleive it got made, or maybe I can’t beleive that it lasted 3 seasons. I’m reading the AvClub and IO9 recaps as I see the episodes. Some people really couldn’t take the dourness of the show. I get it. I understand it. I thought Six Feet Under was a dark great show. No. No. Just no.
I beleive it’s only been a few days as well. I thought this was addressed in how quickly she was growing that baby bump. It seemed to me in the show that this was a continuous timeline, but other things would say no. I think it’s just the highlites. Who knows? Does it matter? Since when did sitcomes worry about…
He’s always a little mad.
If I new it was gonna be that kind of party I would put my balls in the mashed potatos.
I come from 2021 - WORST YEAR EVER! Martin still ain’t got shit done. SPOILER ALERT - Game of Throne blew it ni the finale.
The worms, they get all The Nasty Bits.
I come from the future. 2021 - THE WORST YEAR EVER. Spoiler alert - Don’t make jokes about the soon to be departed.
But the rapture is fiction. Hundreds of thousands dead? It’s not possible. Who could possibly cause that?