
Also…getting harder to like Nora. I’m biased as a bipolar person, but if you love someone, you don’t bail because they’re mentally ill and may need your help.

Of course his lawyers are dumping him. Trump is completely predictable due to his narcissism.

It’s amazing the yo-yoing in the quality of Homeland seasons. It peters off again into the last few seasons.

The survey is crap. If they were already including questions from the lens, excuse me Azreal theory they developed it too fast from a standard survey development point of view and then didn’t wait for any validation of the inferences drawn from the lens theory. This survey is extremely high-stakes and must come with

The soundtrack is pretty outstanding in my opinion. Often in the background they have some really killer soul music on just for ambience. It’s been some pretty great stuff. They also had classical Metallica qualtet Apocalyptica in one scene in season 1. I beleive it was Unforgiven.

ISn’t it kind of obvious the kids got sucked up when the lake drained during the earthquake? I thought when they first showed the lake drain that there clearly was a fairly large hole in the ground. So if some town girls disapeared with their car parked just outside their swimming hole (Which by the way is quite well

I remember her getting hit in the face now. That’s why I had a she did show up, but kind of didn’t.

I liked the same schtick. It worked very well and was a high point of both of the first two movies. Dark Phoenix just sucked. We can leave it at that.

I didn’t realize until yesterday that only 2% of the people on The Leftovers disappeared. 50% because of Thanos in the MCU. You could go all kinds of places with that. The world economy would be totally wrecked. How would key infrastructure be run? I know a lot of that is automated now. I could almost see it being a

I’m watching from the future. The year 2021. THE WORST YEAR EVER! I’m watching 2-3 episodes a night and wish I can do more. Then I am reading these reviews and occasionally commenting on the reviews from the future. I feel priviledged to be able to respond to your 2015 comment about binging.

I’m still kind of unclear as to what all the people clamouring to get into Miracle actually expect to do there.

I come from the future of 2021. SPOILER ALERT - WORST YEAR EVER! Wait until you see how compassionate the Republicans are then when 100s of thousand of americans die due to pestilence.

I thought she would flick her cigarette over her shoulder at him. Threatening him like that from a distance wouldn’t have been as visually effective but a better deal for her.

I wasn’t impressed with 2% until I did the math and realized that in my town of 50,000, that’s 1000 people gone in a moment. That would be catastrophic.

Gary Busey disappeared.

I just saw this. I couldn’t tell if they were trying to show him moving his hips abd kind of almost being into it or not. Somebody mentioned they may have tried to make it titillating. I couln’t tell and I couldn’t rule that out.

Handing out those pamphlets about mourning peoples departed loved ones is pretty creepy. It’s seems pretty reasonable that they might do that. It seems like something similar to aborted fetuses on billboards that I beleive you see in the South. It’s no wonder Christianity is dying off in the key 25-40 demographic.

I want to punch him in the face almost as much as I want to punch Ted Cruz in the face.


Conservatives always like the things they were suppossed to hate or that mocked them. They are easily confused, see. They get things backwards sometimes. They just don’t understand things.