cheap strawberry daiquiri

I have a few friends who married their husbands just because they were ready to have kids and willing to take the first reasonable guy who wanted to settle down. Ten years ago I would’ve been on my high horse about it, but now I’m in my late 30s and I think I’d rather have a marriage of convenience than be alone. (And

Did you know that not everybody shares your feeling that sexuality should only be for loving relationships though? I mean if that’s a limit for you and the only way you can feel ok, fine, live by it. But it’s possible for you to save sex for love without going on virtue-signaling rants about “prostitution”- there are

Um, what relationship isn’t transactional? I’m only being partially flippant. Many a long-term pairing has a financial component. Shit, my relationship with my newborn is transactional. I provide food and comfort, and get snuggles and heart-stopping smiles in return.

Wait, the MPAA was actually considering an NC-17 for violence?  I don’t know what to do with this information.

I don’t know. If my cat has taught me anything, it’s that assholes live forever.

I’ve always felt that I’d be a happier person and have an easier go of it in life if I’d been born just a little bit dumber. Thanks for the affirmation, Pratt!

he wants you there about 10 minutes after he said to arrive (never, ever arrive exactly on time

What?! There isn’t an ego reaping reward for fucking a robot like there is for being desired and wanted by another human. Call this what it is - high tech masturbating or intimacy avoidance devices.

A porn star is more articulate and thoughtful than the president of the USA.

She’s ageless.

Yes. It completely dismisses the former relationship.

What strikes me about the Kardashian women is not their choice of first names, but always giving their children their fathers’ last names.

Pretty sure it’s just a Mean Girls reference, dude.

If you are a dancer (especially a ballet dancer), you spend your entire life being treated as a dispensable placeholder for a better dancer, while arrogant, marginally talented boys/men are groomed for principal roles and advance to principal soloist in 5-10 years rather than 15-20 years. If they’re straight, they’ll

The number of times that I have been told or have witnessed another female dancer be told, “There are a 100 other women waiting to do your job for free,” are countless because I have never bothered to count them. It’s ubiquitous. If you are a dancer (especially a ballet dancer), you spend your entire life being

Legitimately thought that said Orlando Bloom until I clicked through, lol. I’m not quite awake this morning.

Now I miss Tweet Beat — I loved reading the Yoko tweets and I’m not on twitter, so now don’t see them.

Brit’s boyfriend is smokin’. She looks happy. Good for her.

Ahhh you guyyyyyyys after a whole bunch of non-starter dates and being ghosted by a guy who seemed cool and then turned out to be a cowardly fuckboy, something may have stuck.  I had my third date with a guy last night and it was great. He is great. I’m trying not to get TOO excited because people can surprise you in

Happy weekend everyone!