cheap strawberry daiquiri

If it’s any consolation, I don’t think Kim Kardashian is naturally that hairless. I’m also choosing to believe there is some photoshop going on to remove any remaining ingrown hairs.

It’s almost like bikini tanline’s purpose is to remind the viewer we are looking at Kim Kardashian’s mons pubis and not her inner elbow or some other indiscernible unsexy body part. It’s like Tom Wesselmann’s Great American Nude series for the 2010s.

If my prom was a term paper, I would have given it a B-. I had a lot more fun preparing for prom and at the after-party than the actual prom itself. the music was bad and the application of the selected theme was unremarkable. I have more positive memories (like A to A-) of semi-formal dances between freshman and

There was about 20 centimetres of snow in Central Ontario today. It was 10°C yesterday. I shouldn’t be surprised but I’m always surprised by our spring weather.

I’ve recently finished reading George Saunders’ Lincoln in the Bardo and Jacqueline Frances’ The Beaver Show. I covered my mouth because I was laughing so hard when reading each of these books in public.

Yes. Or like someone twisted their Ken doll’s head at an uncomfortable angle.

I’ll have to agree to disagree on that subject matter. I’ve dated mostly bisexual women (there just happen to be more of them then lesbians) and they have always referred to themselves as bisexual and not lesbians. There is likely a generational component, as someone under thirty, since “bisexual” has always seemed

I agree that bisexual men and women alike are treated poorly in the LBGTQ community. One of the most common complaints is bisexual erasure. I don’t think choosing to ignore your own behaviour and feelings towards men/women and identifying as a lesbian instead of bisexual will make these people feel more included in

As a lesbian, I would consider a cisgendered woman, who was previously “out” as a lesbian, and dating/marrying a man to be bisexual and no longer a lesbian/homosexual. It’s annoying as a lesbian/homosexual when these women use incorrect terminology because it validates straight men being sexually aggressive with

Same. The conversations I had with my family and friends about coming out as a lesbian are not the same as conversations that a heterosexual woman is having about her “closeted” desire to be a painter or an auto mechanic. I grew up being politically left in a politically right town and that isn’t an equitable

And it was interesting to see, even though the satirical cartoons—on the one hand it’s depressing to see that people have always been doing cartoons about how ugly fat women are. But it’s also interesting to see the evidence of their presence.

My grandfather was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer the day before I accepted my offer of admission to an well-respected MA program. He’s one of the first phone calls I made when I started getting offers about a month ago.

I thought Rihanna was going to be joking about a wardrobe malfunction in that initial Instagram. It looked like her skirt had lifted and we were seeing her shapewear. I really like the colour, but I still don’t know what to make of the silhouette.

An old friend was discussing her current boyfriend and briefly mentioned how she enjoyed his group of exclusively male friends. These men are so much easier because they don’t want to talk about their feelings and have stereotypical masculine interests.