cheap strawberry daiquiri

Try shaving. It does wonders for your hygiene.

I actually think the male lead being cardboard was a purposeful choice. Think about it - if he had charisma, the story would play much differently. As it is, it plays like all these events are merely happening to him and he’s reacting to them. If he had real charisma, it would look like he was an opportunistic jerk OR

One of the things missing in this article is that “examining your toxic friendships” was one of the big themes in self-help books and women’s magazines. I work at a library and we have about 6 or 7 self-help books on this subject that were published not long before the Something Borrowed book came out. I skimmed

This was exactly my line of thinking.


He made a guest appearance on Riverdale (why I still watch this show, I don’t know). When he appeared on screen, it broke me. I couldn’t stop laughing for 30 minutes, broken up by bursts of wheezing “Andy Cohen,” before lapsing into laughter again. It was just so clearly obvious that he needed a way to boost his name

Doesn’t that fit in perfectly with the whole Dan Humphrey narrative?

I think generally people just wear waaaaaay to much. The kind of guy who would catcall.

Can dumb ass civies just fucking stop? Maybe Jez needs to hire someone for Tits and Sass to do a guest article.

I think your recommendation is bogus. I agree people should buy based on what works for their diet and budget, but the dirty dozen has its merits. This article does a great job at pointing out the USDA’s failure to monitor organic produce’s residual pesticides, but does not talk about the effects of synthetic

Mmm... strawberries. I have yet to taste one from a grocery store that even comes close to the tasty goodness of a home-grown (and pesticide-free!) strawberry.

Which was frustrating because he used to be great. I absolutely loved him with Cristina when he first got on the show, then he took a left turn and started to piss me off.

It stinks because I ALSO like the actor who plays him, so when you’ve got two stellar actors portraying an un-watchable relationship, you REALLY fucked up in the writers’ room. I definitely give them props for trying to portray a veteran but oooooooooooof did they fail.

YES! And then he sulks and acts like the innocent victim who didn’t know any better when he gets called out for it.

please tell me you saw him make a move on his best friend within 24 hours of his ex-wife complaining during sex that he’d always been into the friend

I live in N.Ont, about 6 hr north of the US/Can border and I’m not buying this sob story either. It’s mid April here and we still have at least 24" of snow on the ground. The ice on our lake will probably melt by mid May. We have night time temps below freezing until mid June so we can’t reliably plant anything in the

Red potatoes average around 90 days to maturity. Russet Varieties average 100-110 days to maturity. Right now it is may 7th and I am still holding off on planting Tomatos in pots and would not even think about planting anything in the garden. The weather has been great this spring but a mid to late may freeze is very

Similar can mean what you want it to mean. A few hundred miles makes a big difference.
I don't recall saying that my family and I don't buy local. We just buy imported when the local gets overshadowed. And there's that citrus thing. And other fruits. Preserves just aren't the same.

If enough people restrict themselves to buying locally for that much of each year, then there will be no business for the people who raise, ship, wholesale, distribute, and retail the foods that y'all formerly purchased during those... wait... did you say .... 8 months?
Ah. You live in California. Southern. Or maybe

You guys see any Axe body spray on this list? No? Well then, STOP FUCKING BATHING YOURSELF IN IT BEFORE YOU LEAVE THE HOUSE!