
Steve King has a dream
It’s his perfect creamy dream
White society.

I’ve always felt that a good sense of humor is a sign of intelligence. I’ve also noticed that most Republicans, conservatives, and fundamentalists are just not very funny at all.

Thanks, I appreciate it. (It’s really all about the caffeine.) :o)

Yeah, I’m not complaining about this development either - this is one vile human being. But the decision to bench her does seem pretty random. With the constant, foaming geyser of sewage blurping out of this pipeline, how did this one chunk get stuck in the grate?

As I look back on my Catholic upbringing, I can’t see how confession was useful or helpful at all. For me it was just awkward, creepy and pointless. And this wasn’t even the face-to-face kind; we just had the darkened confessionals in the church, with a dim silhouette murmuring penances, as if from a menu, from the

This is amazing, because I was just thinking, holy crap I sure am glad I’m not listening to Creed right now.

Ooh! I have buckets of little sauce packets! Am I a world-famous model too??

His nickname is “Tuck”
A popular butt-wipe pad?
Yes, indeed he is.



“I want top-secret clearance for these smarmy, unqualified, duplicitous goons right now!! Is that clear?!”

“Christ, I was an insufferable child.”

Godspeed, HJC. (Oh, and please don’t fuck this up.)

“There are quite a few people out there who are really good at their profession but suck at almost everything else.”

Guitar says white-boy reggae, but mic angle is all Lemmy. Dude seems a tad conflicted.

Double-barrel buckshot!
Get crazy wit da Cheez Wiz!

I dunno, that photo doesn’t look particularly egregious or selected to me. Some of us just look like that. I haven’t been photogenic since I was six years old.  After that I was elected Mayor of Dorktown, where of course there are no term limits.

Looking forward to the multicolored pyrotechnic displays, spouting from the variety of ill-conceived quick-connect solutions on those high-power battery packs. Oohh! Aahh.

“Then Melania is off to Seattle, where she will learn to code. (Just kidding.)”