
“I love President Trump, who is a fearless American hero, and continue to support him one hundred percent.”

Okay but, that one didn’t have the cute secret-handshake-with-the-British-butler scene. (Or did it? Can’t remember.)

Dammit, you made me log in just to star that.


I saw this described once as a “Venusian Princess” look.  That sounds about right.

I will never not star this wonderful clip.

I would postulate that Manafort sees himself as a magnificent, intimidating bird, but I guess that’s kind of ostrich.

God DAMN it with these rich people already.  Fuck ‘em all right in the ear.

Most of my little friends didn’t understand the distinction with my dad either. They thought “adult” and “adulterer” meant the same thing.

Why couldn’t you go see his train until you were six? Some weird OSHA rule?

They should just attach a pickaxe nearby with a chain, like a ballpoint pen at a bank counter.

That is awesome, hee!

You mean like this? (I can’t believe I actually wore this in public.)

Couldn’t have said it better myself.  (That’s pretty much my origin story.)

“Wow...  Ironic.”

Damn! He did fuck that thing up but good. Kudos to you, Mr. Clay.

I don’t get all the fuss about Ambien. I just started taking it a coupla days ago, and it’s boring as hell. No sleep-walking/ driving/ murdering or nuthin. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

[deleted]  Yeesh - too much caffeine this afternoon, sorry.

Thank god for small favors.  Parking is bad enough as it is.