
Why couldn’t you go see his train until you were six? Some weird OSHA rule?

They should just attach a pickaxe nearby with a chain, like a ballpoint pen at a bank counter.

That is awesome, hee!

You mean like this? (I can’t believe I actually wore this in public.)

Couldn’t have said it better myself.  (That’s pretty much my origin story.)

“Wow...  Ironic.”

Damn! He did fuck that thing up but good. Kudos to you, Mr. Clay.

I don’t get all the fuss about Ambien. I just started taking it a coupla days ago, and it’s boring as hell. No sleep-walking/ driving/ murdering or nuthin. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

[deleted]  Yeesh - too much caffeine this afternoon, sorry.

Thank god for small favors.  Parking is bad enough as it is.

Millennial Pink will henceforth be known as Cloying, Duplicitous Goon Pink.

Pop quiz, drink-Hustling bros: Whose likeness is that on the wall behind you?

When I was about six, my two big sisters decided it was time for me to learn how to ride a big-kid bike. So they put me on one of theirs (standing on the pedals, couldn’t even reach the seat, girl bike fortunately), and pushed me right the fuck down a steep hill in the back yard. I learned how to ride a bike in about

Thanks for still being here. Try to change things up if you can; even a little bit. (That is helping me somewhat.) Above all, try to just keep trying. It’s tough as hell sometimes, but maybe we can do it.

Not sure what they are, actually.  All I know is, that video makes me wish I still had a weed connection.

Y’know this is actually pretty cool SCREAMING PRAIRIE DOGS wait what?!?

When pigs fly, indeed!

I bet even his car tastes like chicken.

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if PAUL RYAN IS AN ASSHOLE