
And little pickles.

I dunno... To me, those tats just say, “I’ve been blackout drunk at least 2 times.”

I got an ‘02 Altima and a Chevy HHR. I feel like I just found my table in the Jalop lunchroom.

Pretty sure that’s a ‘65 Olds Cutlass. My grandpa had an F-85, which was the family-sedan version.

Here’s my go-to link for these:

...Aaand, there’s our T-Shirt of the Week!

This is a title belt I would gladly relinquish.

Yeah, this ain’t helping. Less hyperbole, please.


Wow! You win Band Name of the Week by a mile.

Preach so nice we starred it twice

This, exactly. If Johnny wants to cut me a check for what he’s not spending on decent therapy, I’ll start going tomorrow. Sheesh.

With regrets: Any reasonably accurate analysis of the dildo-carpet-bombing scenario is going to yield some pretty sobering casualty numbers.

So our First Lady has the razor-sharp social conciousness of a snot-nosed thirteen-year-old. Got it, thanks.

The jacket thing is fake, right? I mean, Photoshopped. Right?

I dunno... 500DOK was fun, but I don’t see this having the same vibe at all..

That’s it, exactly.

Hahaha!!! That vid may have just helped lift me out of about a 2-day old funk. Thanks, I needed that.

Seriously. I mean, Betty and Veronica?

Huh. The last time I tried to board a flight with a potato, it was confiscated.