Then why hasn’t Arizona changed the speed limit for Semi-Trucks?
Then why hasn’t Arizona changed the speed limit for Semi-Trucks?
A supercar is a sports car with too much power for a public road.
As someone who has a set of SU carbs on my old volvo. i can somewhat relate.
He’s mentioned a few times that it will go to me when he dies, and despite all the good memories around it all I can think is “oh crap”. They absolutely deserve their reputation.
They are just as bad as the memes unless you spend your week constantly adjusting carbs, replacing points, and shuffling carboard around to keep your concrete from looking like the parking lot at Autozone.
Only if you’ve given up on life in the name of practicality.
And the space hardware is all very much Soviet era. It’s crude and reliable, but they aren’t making any innovations, and haven’t for a long, long time. And without Western support, they probably can’t make much of anything anymore.
you can sue the Russian government.
No they cannot. On the surface, the ability to render an aircraft unflyable via an OTA update is terrifying.
It also makes the dealership a destination for customers that might give salespeople opportunities to upsell people while they’re topping off their batteries.
Solution: Just install the biggest old military surplus generator you can find. Tune it to run on used engine oil and old tires. If its not already green paint it green so you can technically call it “green power” and call it a day.
Great information! I’ll take a look at these. Thanks!
Though in reality there are many noticeably uncomfortable and tentative drivers who should not have even been issued a license in the first place... Proving you’re comfortable driving should be a requirement.
That higher speeds already exist outside of California and have not been a cause for the results you assume they would be in your post. While I don’t think Semi-Trucks traveling at 80mph is a great idea, Arizona has proven it is not as dangerous as you are supposing.
sray off the highway if it’s too much for you
Again with the seemingly willful misunderstanding of the word “Forced”.
Unless somebody has recently changed the definition of “forced,” this is completely and blatantly false.
Get the fuck out of the way. Thanks.
Thanks, Karen