Have you ever driven highway 40 across arizona? The speed limit is 75 and if you are not going 85 you will be passed by long haul semi trucks.
Have you ever driven highway 40 across arizona? The speed limit is 75 and if you are not going 85 you will be passed by long haul semi trucks.
Despite this information, I wouldn’t complain if the highway speed limit was increased.
Lots of Republicans in the comments section today...
People around here really need to grow up about this.
The tomatoes I learned about the effects of San Diegos wild daily temperature swings. I couldnt get the watering down right and they kept spliting. I also did not prune properly so the plant got enormous and spent all its energy growing outward instead of fruiting. The ones I did harvest were incredible though, so I…
Couple of things.
Uphill? Both ways??
How do people think this is worth it?
Any charging network that has a monthly fee can fuck right the fuck off.
Or they could just revise existing gas stations, don’t have to build from scratch on fresh land
On that note:
Not the absolute worst but its way down here:
I want that two hours of my life back
Ever heard of The Rime of the Ancient Mariner with the fisherman forced to wear a dead albatross around his neck?
I would rather walk than drive that boring Toyota with delusions of grandure.
All true. Stockholm does not typically get as cold at night as Minnesota. Still it’s ONE mile, not many. At that distance walking may still be the better option.
This is spoken like someone who has never spent a second in a Minnesota winter.
Or slightly newer administrative facilities, and a hot-tub in the new dorm, and a fancy new fitness center, and stadiums, and....
we still have people at my university job that refuse to come to work because of Covid and these guys are working during a war.
To anyone questioning a why a Swedish county is being included on a list of US states: