That was also my question. The guy who did this should be in jail.
That was also my question. The guy who did this should be in jail.
The AP headline Former teen who had sex with Polanski writing book really sucks. Stop calling rape "having sex"!
This looks really interesting. I wonder how they'll deal with the less savory aspects of her life? She maybe-probably ordered the kidnapping and murder of at least two people, among other things.
I'm confused- this was filmed in South Africa, but with Congolese extras? Or has the subculture moved out of the Congo to other parts of the continent?
Oooh, one of the commenters on that article I linked sums up my feelings pretty well: "He got super rich by shamelessly ripping off one of the most revolutionary shows of all time and adding anti-Semitic down syndrome rape jokes to it. He’s a great business man (and admittedly voice actor) but he’s not contributed…
See if you can get your hands on the New Yorker article, if not here's one tidbit from it:
Did anyone read that Seth McFarlane piece in the New Yorker a few months ago? It really cemented my feeling that he's a huge douche.
Yeah, they're getting off on the fact it's non-consensual. I couldn't say why this turns them on, but it indicates they have a really fucked-up attitude towards women.
Fair point, but considering how reddit drags their feet on shutting down child porn subreddits, I doubt they'll care to ban this one down.
Ah, I totally forgot you were in there! I read the article a while ago but reading this reminded me.
The Guardian had good article about creep shots recently:
Eh, you can't really call a predator an asshole for feeding itself. If anything, humans are the assholes for a)killing off all the wolves that used to suppress coyote populations and b) building cities in what used to be their territory.
Even if they could put all their fellow parishioners in burqas, they'd soon be complaining about the ones who accidentally let show their slutty ankle or lust-inducing eyes.
I'm a scientist myself, and trust me, evolutionary psychology is by and large not science. Noting a trend within a culture and then making up an evolutionary just-so story to explain it is speculation, not science. Science requires testable hypotheses, and "humans evolved to do A because back in the Pleistocene…
"Baby, I only slept with your sister because of my unassailable biological imperative to spread my seed! Sorry, sugar, but it's just scientific fact!"
Evolutionary psychology is mostly pseudo-scientific nonsense totally disavowed by actual evolutionary biologists. Sharon Begley wrote a nice critique of the field a couple of years ago:
Because people like claiming that their fucked-up racist/sexist/just plain dumb ideas are supported by ~*science*~.
It's because they're evil gold digging harpies who just want to steal men's hard-earned money through child support and alimony!
Yeah, I'm tall and have chronic bitchface, so I don't get bothered nearly as much as my more sweet-and-vulnerable-looking friends. It still happens, but not as constantly.
Not to mention, if their kids do end up getting sick, they can afford the doctor's bills and the time off to stay home and care for them. Poor people usually don't have that luxury.