Oh, no. Another important Conservative voice being silenced by big tech, or something. Maybe Elon Musk can bail him out.
Oh, no. Another important Conservative voice being silenced by big tech, or something. Maybe Elon Musk can bail him out.
...why? “4Chan shitlord making death threats on Internet” is one of the most plausible things ever alleged.
Don’t know if it’s privilege, because we don’t know you like that, but preening about it in a discussion around the difficulties that young people face in the housing market is definitely douchebaggery.
You cannot say it’s a joke when making a death threat. Saying “I’m joking” after saying something reprehensible, and in this case illegal, is not protection from the consequences of that speech. Anyone that claims otherwise is a fucking loon.
I feel that this is what the US needs to see happening more, and not just when death threats are made specifically against Sheriffs. And it’s just one thing among multiple other stuff that needs to happen.
Totally deserves it.
Not only that, but America’s racism inspired Nazi ideology in the first place.
Sometimes... there are cases where the criminal looks exactly as expected, as well as being in the expected living situation, being arrested in the exact expected outfit..
I know it’s a joke and meme but it’s sad that a 38 year old man actually thought saying “in Minecraft” somehow made him immune to being charged with making death threats.
In a perfect world, a judge would read out his sentence, pause for effect, and finish with “not in Minecraft”.
Well, time to get angry at me.
Fine, it’s not a scam. But it is a cult.
CSGO is a blight on the industry. It's a money laundering scheme.
I don’t think a character can commit as much violence as Ellie and Joel does across the two games and simultaneously be as innocent as you suggest. I don’t buy that.
A foolish whale and its money are soon parted.
I’m going to say this without being ugly or mean (unlike quite a few of these responses - since when did commenting on the internet HAVE to be about being a dick?).
Ellie, in the games, makes no sense. Just like Nathan Drake makes no sense. Just like, honestly, Joel hardly makes sense. To be able to go out of your way…
I’m currently playing through Part II for the first time and it’s extremely compelling to see Ellie as an absolute psychopath. If anything the show is laying down a proper foundation that makes it more believable and less dissonant that Ellie is brutally murdering the hell out of everyone in her way. The “this isn’t…
People who think sexism doesn’t exist or that women get some kind of “pussy pass” privilege are either fucking delusional, or they themselves are powerful elites who benefit from this bullshit system.