
The same is true of literally every episode between 2 and 9 (and the equivalent parts of the game). Joel is tasked with taking Ellie to the Fireflies, nothing moves the main plot forward until they reach the Fireflies. You could literally replace all the stuff between with “10 Months Later” (or however long is

The lack of actual genuine emotion, etc is truly disturbing.

They lost them after the gay utopia episode. Their vision of Ron Swanson as a capitalist-loving, uber-straight man was shattered and they have no idea how to pick up the pieces.

Fuck these god awful, canned “fan reactions.” I hate this trend more than gender reveals.

Just wash your ass, dude

Did you just pull that out of your behind? How did it flop?

Apex has made a ton of money - over $2 billion and that’s not a current figure. It’s just not maintaining its steam. Not sure how in any way it’s a flop it’s just dying out.

I disagree. While not their employer it was EA’s decision to end the testing being done. It’s just way more nuanced than the headline.

They will be provided 60 days severance, though that won’t cover the length of many people’s contracts, sources said

Oh please. Gaps in employment, as in year(s) long gaps? I will agree, are seen as problematic.

?  How did Apex Legends flop hard?

Do you really expect people who lust for Pokemon girls this hard to have success in the dating scene? If you’re currently seeking a relationship, would you even consider someone like the people who spend way too much money on Pokemon girl cards?

Never thought i’d be one of these people but..... my lord, please, go out, talk to real women. or men. Or both. This is sad and creepy even before considering most of these girls arent even 12.

Allegory of the Cave seems to be more relevant than ever when related to tech... fully agree with Keanu. We’re only looking at shadows. Or perhaps we are already buried into a cave deep down The Center or something.

Completely agree with Lady Mormont. Haters can fuck right off. There’s always fox news and CBS procedurals to keep the bigots entertained (not that there’s anything inherently wrong with the CBS shows, they’re just boring white-bread shit). 

Its almost as if some people didn’t play the game.

You might be right, but I try to skip those as well. It’s a bad habit (in my opinion) to show what’s coming. If current episode/series is good “enough”, we WILL see the next episode. No need to lure me in, I say :)

Didn’t HBO show the bloater during the mini preview at the end of episode 4 last week? Too lazy to check, but I feel like anyone who watched until the end of 4 already got a glimpse of it.

Big difference between writing a story and digitally putting your face onto a porn stars body in a video.