
Uh...did you expect a frigging Obi-Wan show to move on from the Skywalker Saga? You can’t be THAT stupid. You wouldn’t even be able to type. You’d be in a vegetative state with only a brain stem functioning, to think that a show about the guy who, you know, trained Anakin Skywalker and then watched over Luke Skywalker

Considering I keep waking up on the floor, I’d guess he’s been telling me to “roll out.”

Bottom of the barrel for me were the Barbara Hambly books “Planet of Twilight” and “Children of the Jedi.” Just.....bad.

He is well known for being a jerk and this site made it all about race.

...the ironically named James Steelman.

Poor Nien. Snubbed in the movie, and also snubbed in the legacy books where, rather than just have him join Rogue Squadron they have his family member do it.

Not only that, a 13 book series with nearly three thousand named characters THAT TAKES ABOUT TWO YEARS (your time may vary) OF ACTUAL TIME.

They can cut all the hair tugging and skirt smoothing...and most of books 4-9 😆

If this were actually filmed like one of those ‘90s fantasy/sci-fi shows, with crude CGI and a 4:3 aspect ratio, I’d be more inclined to watch it.

The latest trailer definitely has me hopeful this could be good. The first trailer and pictures I saw had a big ‘Xena / Hercules production value vibe’.  

You are aware that Fury only called her after Thanos had snapped everyone away and while he himself was turned to dust at the end of Infinity War. Right?

What took them so long? This woman has been awful forever and this website gleefully takes down other women for far less offensive things than they gave Nicki a pass for

This was a person who literally had her sister pulled from a game, gave away the fact she couldn’t hit high ones to the opposing team, called her a little shit in front of the team when she was pouting about being traded, and was painfully honest with her from day one about everything. Also Kit flourished when she was

I read King’s twitter thread in its entirety.

Snakes Eyes looks like fun but I never want to hear “I’m on a new level” in a trailer again.

The Star Wars novels are generally just as good and not much different from the “adult” novels, especially anything Claudia Gray has written. Into the Dark is labeled as “Young Adult”, but I think it’s more marketing than anything, and I’d highly recommend reading it and the upcoming novels labeled YA.

I last played it a decade ago on dosbox so I don’t know how the Steam port functions but...I mean...there is a certain level of nostalgia goggles required for its current iteration.  But that all means its an even better candidate for a retro style (but updated heavily) remake!

Is it too late to scrap the whole house of dragons story and just get a spinoff about the seasnake and his adventures to the far flung corners of planetos?  

Oh man, would that be the first time they ever changed something from the comics to adapt it to the big screen??? My fainting couch, please, for I have the vapors

God, Jezebel is so exhausting now. Are there any other feminist centered news sites around?  I’ve been reading this site for a decade but I can’t take how joyless it has become.