Chaz Adams

Ferrari as a car brand seems to be facing a two front challenge. They have their typical rival in Lamborghini but are now facing pressure from the Paganis of the world as well that really make limited number machines that it seems Luca still wants to make. I think plenty of people still feel Ferrari is making too many

Interesting that the Charger gets Hellcat logo on the front quarter panels but the Challenger does not. I know The Smoking Tire among others was quick to point out the lack of actual Hellcat badging on the Challenger

There are two types of crazy: regular crazy, and John Fucking Hennessey crazy. God bless that man.

Why? That doesn't help the NFL get a team in LA at all

How does this league still exist? Even more so than the CFL

Something I have yet to see mentioned is the weight, is the bigger rim/less tire combo lighter than the small rim/big tire?

They won by hitting the rewind button in Forza?

I personally would go with Pierce Arrow if we are making an uber american luxury sub brand

With Nissan now heading back to LMP1 as well this race is only going to keep getting better. Now to just get these cars to race in Seabring and Petit Le Mans again

I actually got to tag along for the first day of shooting this and it is going to be really epic, also my Jalopnik review of the P4/5C is coming this week if I get around to finishing it.

The LaFerrari is very bizarre looking with the doors up due the narrow tub.

Rental cars might be one of the best reasons things like this should be more standard

So how are they going to legally get these on the road?

So the Fiesta ST is still the best hot hatch that we can afford and buy you are saying?

Counter point: Tobacco money helped make NASCAR the most popular racing series in the US

Okay lets break this down if we can. First off screens in general are great! Few knobs and weird ways to navigate menus etc to do simple tasks. Now making screens that slide into center counsels is expensive so lets not have everyone do that. Screens that are way down by the gear lever are sorta useless because if I

I live in central mass these days and it is not the wealthiest area and I have seen at least a half dozen Mirage's already. Sometimes people just want the cheapest microwave car they can get it seems

There are so many toys you could get on this car you'd never need because of the size. Backup camera? Just stick your hand out the back window and stop when you touch another car. Blindspot warning? Basically the same, just stick your hand out the side window. Lane departure warning? What kind of asshole can't keep

I think until the only oval this series runs is Indianapolis the series will continue to struggle. Get back to Watkins Glen and Road America, get races in Montreal and Mexico City and get back to a standardized start time for races as well like NASCAR.

Do these states realize that people are still going to actually buy the car? Wouldnt you want your state to get that slice of the tax pie instead of it going to say California and the owner just trucking the car in? I get that this is just lobbyists being lobbyists but I sometimes think these states think they are