Chaz Adams

Yet another owner that Ralph Wilson has found a way to out live.

It's hard to enjoy this video when you spend the whole time thinking "FOR FUCKS SAKE DON'T HIT ANYTHING"

It is good to see that there is in fact LaFerrai's in the wild finally, I was a little unsure if they had actually started shipping them.

I so badly want it to have the cam-less engine

Jerry, the world of Jalopnik needs to know, where do you stand on diesel wagons with manual transmissions?

It's so wonderfully angry looking. Also don't all new Vette's have the paddles no matter what? I think they are used to turn on rev matching in the manual version.

It's cute when dealerships think they can just sweep things under the rug and not have the internet find out

Personally not a fan but lets face it most of the Jalopnik commenting community is not the target market for this car anymore either.

Is the La Ferrari officially in production status now?

The sports gods choose the most obscure places to pay it forward, in this case it was UB football which western new yorkers give zero fucks about

Neutral: How Much Is Tesla Really Worth? Do you think the company is overvalued, undervalued, or juuuuuuust right?

Soooo what did they really change on this years car vs last years car thats what I want to know.

Great story Doug. It's fun to dream about some type of legal sanctioned "race" along these lines which of course would never happen. I also wonder if there are any such records for various routes across europe or parts of asia.

I always just try to list 3-5 cars in the segment the person asks about and tell them to go drive them, touch everything, play with every button and then make a choice.

I hear the winner got to pick the movies for the next road trip

Sign me up for that trip to Germany! Its so true though, I love my friends but none of them love motorsports like I do so these type of opportunities would be great.

There is always an exception to the rule and thats all this incident shows. Yes the car is incredibly safe, yes the pack is very strong, but no its not invincible. Lets not treat this like a lot of tesla's just started on fire for the hell of it. Speaking of the tesla I drove one last weekend and you should read about

So Travis my question for you is this, what if the road course race was later in the year instead of part of the May festivities? Or in an even crazier move what if they did the road course Saturday and then the 500 Sunday. Now that would be worth watching to me

That interior is just a mess, on the outside the combined the 3 old pony cars it looks like and inside they mashed together the 3 sub par interiors of todays pony cars

This is the punishment the movie gods are giving us for allowing Ron Howard to make a good car/racing movie

The biggest issue I see is where does this slot into a line up? S5 replacement? Somewhere between the TT and S5? Between the S5 and R8?