
Too bad they couldn't hire a white martial artist to play Danny Rand for this show.

Sleepy Hollow?

I think the one specific thing that went wrong is that the show stopped being about 'watch this interesting character solve mysteries' and became 'watch this formerly-interesting, self-involved character crawl up his own butt'.

When more than one plot line involves someone being kidnapped by pirates/smugglers, you have taken a swan-dive off of the Ludicrous Plotting Pier.

The last 3 episodes have been BS and this ending was BS.

I'm sure there's an integral, story-centric reason for boobtacular armor being worn by high school kids.

I distinctly remember some recapper discussing how they wrote their recaps with the assistance of VHS recordings.

Demian was a true prophet. I remember him saying that if the show lasted more than 4 or 5 seasons it would become unbearable, and well. Here we are.

I confess, I thought his recaps of The Apprentice were funny, mainly because I thought he was doing his shtick ironically.

mercy, please

I suspect the relaunch will be mostly about the #brand rather than bringing back the previous writers.

I recently watched Band of Brothers, and going back to read those recaps (written at the original air date) was an interesting little time capsule.

if he's the guy I'm thinking of, he did Doctor Who recaps, too. Reading them was like being eaten by an undergrad philosophy lecture.

It really depended on the recap writer. Some of them were GOLD.

Oh dang.

Has there ever been a show where the producers/writers failed so spectacularly at understanding why people liked it in the first place???

"Aha! my evidence is in the one place you shall NEVER GET INTO. For it is MY VERY MIND!!!"

They already did; it was called 'Leverage',

That is too amazing to exist in this world. Alas.

Corsets & unrealized potential.