
I don't like Steely Dan, but I like "Reelin' in the Years." I used to listen to a lot of classic rock radio in high school and that was in heavy rotation.

Wizard of Oz is in the public domain making it a very attractive franchise to anyone with two nickels to rub together.

"Awkward creepiness"? I'm assuming it's "awkward" to the author because it's antithetical to the MGM musical, but in the context of the disturbing film, it's consistent. Return is actually closer to the Baum books in incident and character and shows us how terrifying some parts of Oz would be if you were unlucky

Beasts was pretty condescending with the idea that poverty is magical and people living in poverty are simple. It's the same reason that people get upset about the Magical Negro trope.

In Barcelona when Chris Eigeman walks in on Taylor Nichols dancing while reading the Bible, I fell in love with it. The "AFL-CIA" conversation is also excellent. I wish Chris Eigeman were in everything. In my perfect world, Stillman and Baumbach have been collaborating on a long-running HBO series about post-college

The list is only covering this decade.

Interesting choice with Damsels. I love Metropolitan, Barcelona and Disco, but Damsels was really grating. It was a complete departure, and it just did not work for me. The Cosmopolitans looks promising. I hope Amazon gives it a shot.

Good to know. I did not like the first season very much. It could have been called Twist: The Series.

Shooting Star was a dumpster fire, but I really loathed Rocky Horror. I still liked the show at that point. By the time Shooting Star rolled around, I didn't have the same affection for it.

Artie being used on the football team as a battering ram? I think that was the point at which I realized how stupid Glee had gotten. I mean that's just really dumb. Rocky Horror Glee Project was the series low point, though. So bad. The Sue the Grinch episode was also pretty horrid. I've seen every episode because I

Older America certainly loves watching CSI on CBS. AV Clubbers are cord cutters. People younger than us are watching 7 second internet videos. I hope long form storytelling on small screens survives.

If we're going for the ratings lane, things like Sound Editing are getting the boot from prime time.

Some of the musical performances have been terrible in the past, but Everything is Awesome, Common, John Legend and Lady Gaga were the best part of this year's ceremony.

Two hour show. Major winners announced. Lively musical performances. The other two hours streams online or are shown on cable. There. Fixed it. Ratings are going to keep dropping because the show is a boring behemoth.

How was that like The Wire? When did The Wire become synonymous with hacky cop procedural?

That must have been the last good thing that ever happened to Dr. Greene. Man, that show put him through the wringer.

The Rise of Aunt Beru

I hope they still choose to devote 12 hours a day to the veddy British Star Trek: TNG.

Gone Girl is one of the best "beach reads" I've ever come across. It's not a great think piece, but as a deconstruction of the genre and character study, it's outstanding. It's a page-turner that comparative lit students and creative writing MFAs can enjoy.