
Did they stay for the whole thing?!

He's Marvin Scorsese's cousin, right?

I always liked the idea that the craziness of a man in a bat costume fighting crime as he sees fit made Gotham in turn more evil and crazy. The Nolan movies touch on some of this, but this series seems like it will be undercutting that idea.

1. Kicking and Screaming
2. Frances Ha
3. The Squid and the Whale
4. Margot at the Wedding
5. Greenberg
6. Mr. Jealousy
7. Highball (streets behind the others)

The movie's a mess, but it has a few moments. If you're a Baumbach fan and like the casts of his early films, it's worth seeing. I think others will turn it off before they reach the end of the movie. Shelve it with "Interesting Failures" right next to "Insane Doctors."

Ordet and Silent Light by Carlos Reygadas. I'm not sure about the faith of Reygadas, but the film unabashedly celebrates the power of grace.

The film suffers from the same problem as Refn's other films: technically stunning, plenty of style, nothing going on under the surface. Drive is a beautiful bore.

Anyone else associate the song with the movie Cherish? Pretty good indie thriller/comedy from 2002.

What will happen? More sports. It's the only televised event that people still want and need to watch live. No one's figured out how to make a second successful football league, but the NFL will crack that nut eventually and we'll have at least nine months of professional football. There's good enough talent coming