
Matinee is so sweet and funny. It's well made and cast. I'm curious why you think it's a disaster.

It's pretty much Credit Card Commercial: The Movie.

Let's not forget Silk Stalkings.

The release delay, as I understand it, was not due to studio skittishness, but due to the fact that the company that financed the film had financial difficulties and couldn't afford to release the completed film.

He's always reminded me of Dennis Van Welker from Camp Nowhere.

Exactly. I don't want to get into a point by point defense of all of Seth MacFarlane's Oscar jokes, but that sounds like the kind of joke he was criticized for.

The Oscars don't fit anybody. They're a show about the movies that thinks they're handing out Nobel Prizes. Uptight and overlong. 3.5 hours in that environment eats hosts alive.

GloboChem ad pitch meeting—Bag Hutch—or Monk Academy.

I heard a long interview with him not too long ago. He was easy going, self-deprecating and relaxed. He seems happy being old and successful.

That song is horrid. And the line where Marc's excitement reaches its peak is "down in the Jungle Room." I don't think anyone who's actually visited the Jungle Room, with its loud deep pile carpet and tacky opulence, could get as excited as Cohn does in that song.

The parts "waited on a line" and "to be the next" always make me think he's think he's waiting on a prolific individual.

Then why are you reading people complain about the show?

The fact that it was dull is reason enough.

Five minutes of that movie went a long way. Interesting premise, but it hit the same notes over and over and overstayed its welcome.

I'm not a great video gamer, but loved GTA IV. I found it impossibly hard until I learned how to use cover effectively. Then it got much more fun. Except for those helicopter missions. I had to spend hours poring through online hints and videos to figure out why I kept screwing up both major helicopter missions.

There was literally platform jumping in the movie and the CGI-heavy chaotic climax wasn't scary. Good atmosphere and some creepy visuals for about half the film though.


According the my calendar, it's "Civic Holiday (C)." Is that what it's called? "What are you doing this Civic Holiday?"

Shadow of a Doubt is one of my favorites. So deliciously subversive. It's the movie Blue Velvet wanted to be. (I love David Lynch, but always found Velvet to be one-note and obvious.)

Much loved, I felt that way about 5 through 7. Took the good stuff, edited out the filler.