
“Now children, you can’t make videos like that! Not until our lovely new Supreme Court overturns the Thirteenth Amendment. I am tired of telling you that.”

This entirely fits Republicanism. This is on-brand.

Anti-abortion efforts have never been about babies. It has always been about controlling women. If a woman does not own and control everything that happens inside her own body, then she does not own her own body, or her own life. Her body is not entirely a person, it becomes partly an object, a thing, to be owned and

Anyone who votes Republican now, for any office, at all, is voting against the civil rights of women as a class. Republicanism must be ended - it must be stopped forever. Their platform is nothing less than the destruction of the democratic principle in favor of a theocratic rule.

Because admitting she believes in a religion about a space empire dumping alien souls into a volcano thus causing human mental illness and so limiting human magical powers, all of it created by a failed science fiction author who made a bet he could create a religion out of nothing to make money... tends to make her

The horrible bottom line is that it’s either Biden or the nightmare of evil that the GOP represents. If the choice is between Goober McCracker and Literal Satan, the only rational choice is to hold your nose and support the Goober.

Important lesson for any sapient human: never live in Texas. Never enter Texas. Avoid Texas. From the state down to the individual, they just plain like to kill, there.

Humans can’t be trusted with anything. They need to be kept in cages, with a water bottle and a running wheel. Give them some ripped-up MyPillows to bed in.

Right now, the American Jesus is giving us a new 13th Century.

Within the next three years, America is going to destroy the basic right to abortion, erase the basic human right of marriage equality, and likely destroy the last vestige of voting meaning anything in favor of a Christian, white-supremacist theocratic nationalism combined with rampant fascism. I don’t see any legal

The horrible reality is that the people can do absolutely nothing about the Supreme Court. The Republicans have packed it, court judges sit for life, the Democrats do not have the power or the will to add new justices to overcome the right-wing bias (not that they could get them passed even if they tried). The

You could not be more wrong. Hello Games has more than delivered on all of their original concepts - not promises, there are no promises in software - and never asked for anything more in return.

Thirty Helens agree: “Kids In The Hall coming back is a good thing.”

Did you dungeoneer on a derelict freighter? Did you run a planetary settlement and try to keep it safe and growing while helping the citizens with their petty problems? Did you tame any animals and breed them into insane Pokemon monsters? Did you go on any Community Expeditions with thousands of other players to

Sarstan, you are a lying liar, and everything you just stated is made up - either by you, or by some vile creature you chose to believe. Not a speck of your post contains any facts at all. None of it is true.

The emperor has no clothes,

If you pay for digital media without a physical substrate (disk, cart, whatever) then you are only ‘renting’, you don’t own anything you can keep hold of. It can and will be taken away from you on a whim, and you will have nothing to show for your money.

Well, this fixes EVERYTHING!

First they came for the trans people, but we did nothing, because we were not trans.

How about NO ‘trash talk’? How about Good Sportsmanship, Camaraderie, Remembering It’s Just A Game, and Appreciating The Skill And Talent Of Others, Including Your Opponents?