
God am I weary of hearing about the launch of No Man’s Sky. It’s been seven years, with sixteen completely free, massive DLC’s released, the game is entirely different than how it started, everything is there and more - much, much more, from VR capability to governing settlements - and yet we always have to hear that

The answer is to fight this creeping evil which is already attacking America. Never, ever, ever vote a conservative into power. Never vote for any Republican. Get out and vote like a beast.

“Small steps, Sparks. Small steps”

Yeah, Thomas Edison is such a bastard. He doesn’t invent anything - he just pays other people and then steals the credit... oh, wait... is this 2022 already? Damn. Time really does repeat.

It is not control to brutalize fans of your work for creating celebrations of that work. That is just stupidity that engenders hatred and revulsion. Smart creators encourage their audience to feel attached to their work, and reward that attachment. This results in higher engagement and sales.

Whatever gets the Red out. America needs political Visine.

So what actually stops this? It isn’t stopping, it is accelerating. Voting? They’re limiting that. Complaining? That doesn’t do squat. Civil war? The right wing has all the guns and a desire to use them so pent-up they are shaking with anticipation.

Anti-abortion crap was never about babies. It, I honestly believe, is entirely about returning women to a state of chattel - to enslave women as the property of men. If you don’t own your body, you are not a person.

I’m 62, and I’ve been watching this very slow motion trainwreck of America for the past forty years - a decent into a Christian theocratic / oligarchic totalitarian state. A radically conservative supremacist nation. I’ve seen the courts slowly packed - all courts, at every level - with an invasion of loyal tools

Hormones make trans people weaker or stronger in the very same way that they do cis people, and do so rapidly and powerfully. But let’s ignore that fact: is there anything at all about teenage sports scores that is so important and valuable that discriminating against, and destroying the childhoods of trans children

Firefly had an absolutely perfect beyond perfect opening theme song. It defined the genre, set the tone, and presented the milieu. Calling it ‘terrible’ is like saying Citizen Kane was the worst sports movie about sledding ever made: it shows a complete lack of comprehension.

Emulation is morally justified. Like always. They Don’t Care About You, and, as if it were not obvious, There Is No Such Thing As Art, Only Product.

For me, Alien Resurrection redeemed the horrible, awful, very bad Alien 3, which was so terrible, I do not recognize it as part of the franchise.

“Get your filthy, fleshy fingers off of me, you damn furless man!”

ARIEL is my word, and I argue it is better. It has three of the primary five vowels - and not just any vowels but the three most commonly used ones in the English language.

Yeah: Fuck Siskel and Ebert style reviews of media! Nobody should be allowed to comment, with examples, on any work of art, because they are just stealing that art in order to discuss it!

If you are not completely satisfied with Star Citizen, please understand that you have been had. We at Cloud Imperium Games have had a jolly time with the 400 million (plus!) dollars you have given us over the last decade, and the fact we still have not produced a finished game should not in any way discourage you

No. Star Trek killed itself off by ceasing to be about a hopeful future where humankind has grown up, created a paradise on the earth, and lives according to its noblest Ideals.

To be fair, you can be stabbed by more than a knife. I mean, a piece of rebar works really well, swords still exist and are a thing, even a pointy stick will do for basic stabbing work. Needles, nails, heck - it is possible to stab with a broken bottle or other shard of glass. There are so many ways to stab. Just so,

I am 62, I loved the 80's, and more power to every one of these incredible kids. Why in all of hell would anyone tell them they are ‘fake’ or ‘not doing it right?’. That’s just jealousy, I think. And it’s wrong. The 80's were amazing, for a lot of reasons - why not play with them again? I support this!