I don’t think this is sad at all. I think it is compassionate.
I don’t think this is sad at all. I think it is compassionate.
Experiments like that of Bunny (‘What About Bunny?’ on You Tube) and others have more than convinced me that dogs can understand language as a concept, use it (via floor buttons) and can learn dozens of human words. Not commands, not mere sounds they respond to, but true language - ideas, concepts, and abstractions.…
Blaming sedatives for racism is like blaming a dress for ‘making you look fat’. The dress is not to blame.
If insurrection against the United States is not a punishable offence, then there is no America anymore. America is dead the moment insurrection against the government is something people can completely get away with.
This van looks like a padded hearse to carry the death of decency.
The average price of a hospital birth in Texas is $17,738
You must be fun at parties.
Stop fucking. Just stop fucking. Do sucking, rubbing, beating each other with rubber toys, self pleasure, watersports, BDSM - whatever! Just stop fucking. How is this not a thing? Keep the sausages out of the train tunnels until contraception is available. Sex is more than just poles in holes.
States shouldn’t have the right to ban telemedicine - or any medicine. There shouldn’t be a red-state blue-state divide in laws. Frankly, I think we should have completely socialized medicine with only one - scientifically and medically derived - law directing it. Something no politics can mess with.
I fear that America is going to become a horrific, Alt-Right, Christian Dominionist, Republican-controlled, oligarchic dictatorship of terror and universal mass poverty that will threaten the peace of the world.
The cruelty is the point.
Cultural appropriation is bullshit.
Mario was directly inspired by Shigero Miyamoto’s New York superintendant/landlord, who was, in fact, an Italian-American literally named ‘Mario’. Miyamoto lived in New York for a year, and he liked the idea of a ‘working class hero’. He also liked the real Mario, who, apparently, was nice to him.
Ha! Ha! Ha! You are soooo edgy! Wow! Soooo Coool!
If Rittenhouse had stayed home and watched Netflix, two men would still be alive and one would not be crippled. None of that had to happen, except that playing vigilante with guns made Rittenhouse’s dick hard. He didn’t belong there, he went there to enjoy some Rambo-styled gun violence, but he met resistance and ran…
I’d like to point out that 14 people and two million dollars made No Man’s Sky, which has full VR, building, crafting and construction, towns and settlements, archives and ruins, 18 quintillion planets, 256 galaxies, full social interaction, races, ball games, pets you can ride and breed into better pets, organic…
The man deliberately took a gun and went looking for trouble: fuck Rittenhouse forever.
Obey your corporate masters. Money is the only true God. Ownership of property is the only Good, sharing without payment is the only Sin. Creators do not own what they create - when they sell their rights, they sell their souls. You will obey. You must comply. Worship no thing above Sacred Capitalism.
This trial basically makes vigilantism legal. If - and I am not saying there is - some, say, Trumpy-ish desire out there to Batman Up and take out any open resistance to an Alt-Right, Whitely Supreme, Christian Dominionist Dictatorship, this trial sets a fine precedent should such behavior be somehow questioned.
I want to say that your game review was brilliant, insightful, entertaining, and personal. It was absolutely worth my time. Thank you.