
How did the branches of government become so totally impotent? Cannot this judge send enforcers to take the demanded material physically? Cannot there be immediate arrests?

Humans are great apes. They haven’t changed significantly for the last 150,000 years. They are naked apes, fresh from the veldt, with guns and bombs and rockets and space stations. If this is the least bit surprising, you don’t know Man.

I keep saying this: anyone who votes Republican, for any reason, ever again, is evil. Never vote Republican, not now, not ever again. They have to go.

Besides, “Neo-Tokyo is about to explode!” in 1999. AKIIIIRRAAAA!!!!

Evil dies when you shine a light on it. Releasing information, especially secrets, is the only path to any hope of real democracy. You can’t fight shadows.

Okay, so why is a parent taking a fragile two-year old to a baseball game where they paid extra money to sit in the single most dangerous spot it is possible to get a seat in?

This is much better. It is still stupid as hell, flaccid, empty, written horribly and cast even worse, but... it looks better. This turd has been polished to a shine!

“What a piece of work is man, How noble in reason, how infinite in faculty, In form and moving how express and admirable, In action how like an Angel, In apprehension how like a god, The beauty of the world, The paragon of animals.”

Yes, NMS is absolutely playable without an internet connection. I would very much recommend connecting at least once to the internet though, just so the game can update itself. It’s changed, you see, massively, from how it began. Six amazing updates that have enriched and expanded the base game in incredible ways.

Oddly, this crashing actually fits the lore of No Man’s Sky. In Sky, the player is an uploaded mind inside of a vast, slowly dying, digital universe. Expressions of the dominating artificial intelligence that maintains the universe - Sentinels - have, according to the lore, eliminated every city, town and population

I cannot control the food industry - even government balks at limiting such economic power - but I can control myself, and how I behave with regard to those creatures that cross my path.

I cannot change or affect the monstrous monolith that is the corporate food industry - hell, even governments can barely control such raw economic power.

Yes, there are levels. There is the level where you kill insect threats and pests, and accept that you eat meat and kill animals for that meat, but beyond those acts of animal necessity, you treat all life you do not need to kill with basic respect for their own, real lives.

You are conflating necessity with disrespect. We slaughter animals because we are omnivores and they taste delicious. But when we grab an animal and treat it like a nonliving, nonfeeling object, that is when we demonstrate a complete lack of empathy. That, is psychopathic, by definition.

Yes, sixteen is absolutely ‘a child’ and eighteen is, at best, also a child. A crazy-ass, undeveloped forebrain, addled-by-hormones CHILD. Call em’ “teens” because: numbers!, but make no mistake - they are children.

Not really - anyone who would think buying this was a good idea? Two things that seriously need to be put underground, done with maximum efficiency. If only KISS could be in there in more than name only.

They - men, ultimately - want women to be property once more. Chattel. They want to own women as possessions. It is as simple as that. They want to re-enslave women by controlling the only thing any human truly owns - their own body. That is what this is all about, it certainly isn’t about babies. And it isn’t

‘Alabama Passes Bill Designed To Trigger Overturn Of Roe Versus Wade.’

Any effort to stay awake for a greatly extended amount of time, especially while being over-stimulated (as by a game and doing a show) combined with smoking (especially!) creates a massively greater probability of fatal heart attack or arrhythmia. This is one way long-playing gamers tend to die.

There is no good reason, MrCrumley, for imposing your beliefs - however cherished - on the sovereignty of another human being’s body. If we do not own our own bodies - regardless of what might be inside them - then we do not own anything at all, and are merely property, slaves, objects and vessels.